Friday, November 4, 2011

Thundercats [~2011~]

I used to watch the original series, and so I couldn't help falling into watching this new incarnation of the show ;)
The animation is far better, so that's always a plus. I love seeing those same characters again, it's simply lovely. of course, the show, like all re-dos, is not nearly as good. But it's still worth the time, in my opinion ;D

LiON-O ;; I love his sense of want to help anyone he sees in danger. His little tinkering with technology at the very beginning of the show was simply adorable. He's simply such a sweetie. Though, he can have his little harsh moments. he gets frustrated very easily. He can't stand that his older brother is better than him at everything ;D Though, I find it sweet that Lion-O never throws it in Tygra's face that even thought Tygra is more skilled and deserving, he has no chance at the throne because he isn't the blood son of late King Claudus. Lion-O is really rash and rushes into things without thinking about the consequences, and even though he is learning to avoid that, he still has a long way to o before he masters patience and strategizing an all that good stuff ;]

TYGRA ;; I have absolutely fallen iN LOVE with Tygra. He's so dang hilarious and good natured. He works with everyone and is so dang epic. I love this one scene in the robobear episode where he and Cheetara an sleeping together because I think they would make a simply ADORABLE couple ;D He can be cocky and rather arrogant, but he knows his place. he would follow his brother into any situation. Like when, before Thundera was attacked, Lion-O was protecting those lizards, Tygra shows up to fight beside his brother even though he doesn't share the same views on the treatment of the lizards. I was rather surprised that it was him and not Cheetara or Lion-O who decided to let the Thunder-kits come along.I don't know, that just didn't really seem like his style, I guess. I love his invisibility thing, it's so awesome. (:

CHEETARA ;; Cheetahs have always been my favorite animals, and so Cheetara was probably why I was attracted to this show in the first place. I love that the creators of the show chose to have a cheetah because they are often overlooked and all. Anyways, I love Cheetara in this new show. She's got such an awesome personality. She's always ready to fight and she supports Lion-O in all of his endeavors. She seems to be super mature in comparison to the rest of the team. Well, except for in the newest episode when she first convinces Panthro to race Tygra and Lion-O and then gets out of the thundertank and races the two princes' vehicles on foot [and would have won, too, if not for WilyKit sending out those rockets]. She appears to be competitive, and highly skilled and capable of defending herself. I don't know what I think about her relationship with Lion-O since, as I mention earlier, I would prefer to see her with Tygra. besides, Lion-O is always too busy to notice how totally epic she is. He doesn't deserve her ;D

WiLYKiT&&WiLYKAT ;; WilyKit and Wilykat are simply the cutest little kittens in the entire show. They are funny, and sweet, and adorable and amazing. WilyKit with her flute playing is so cute. In this last episode when WilyKat tell the elephant about how it's a lullaby their mother used to hum, I felt so sad for them! Poor little things, left out in the cold harsh world without their mother <3 They both make up a large part of the comic relief in the show, and I love that. Plus the way that even though Lion-O, Tygra, and Cheetara tend to only be worried about fighting and all they seem to be able to keep up with the older cats and always help find ways out of their different predicaments. These two are simply adorable. That's about all I can say about them. Haha <3

PANTHRO ;; Panthro makes me laugh. He is so sweet and tried to appear so big, bad, and mean that it's simply cutsie. I love his obsession with his thundertank because it reminds me of Cyborg from Teen Titans' obsession with his car ;) Panthro tries to give off this tough, no nonsense attitude, and yet he is just a big softie. The way he was with those robobears ;D Plus how he's always sitting with the Thunder-kits. I bet they've helped to soften him up ;] Even though he was extremely loyal to Claudus, he seemed nearly unwilling to be loyal to Lion-O, waiting until the young new king could prove himself to finally pledge his loyalty.

{~credit where credit is deserved~}


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