Saturday, November 12, 2011

Young Justice ;; Disordered

I really liked this latest episode of Young Justice.
I'm not a big fa of Connor, but he kept my attention, and I felt bad for him at the end of the episode. He always comes off as raw and uncivilized because of his time in his pod, but in this episode we see he really does have feelings [to be Superman] and he is able to feel bad about someof those feelings [being happy when all of his friends were either dead or traumatized].
I liked his time with the New Genesis people, it showed him how other teams work, how close and inimate they get [becoming Infinity Man].
I thought the whole thing with Sphere being an actually creature for the new Genesians was pretty cool. And I liked that they let Connor keep it. Connor and his pets make me laugh. Wolf an Sqphere...such original names xD
Connor with his pets, KF with his souveniers, and Rob with his words xP
Which reminds me, Wally hasn't gotten a souneier since the gorilla's hat way back when, right? And Robin hasn't made a word pun in the LONGEST time ...
I absolutely ADORED Black Canary as counselor for the team!
She's been one of my favorite DC characters for the longest time, and I was so happy when she became the team's trainer. But we hadn't been seeing much of her lately, nd this episode was full of her and her heping the kids, so I loved it ;D
She was so dang sweett to help everyone out. And I loved that they were all willing to tell her. They all truste her with their secrets, trusted her to help them <3

Artemis with her tough girl approach to everything....<3 I love that Canary wants her to share her secrets with the team. And I love that she knws what those secrets are and Artemis is all 'you can't tell them!' I don't know why, but I loved that scene. I guess because Canary and Arrow are together and she's all, heheh, you aren't really my boyfriend's niece xD

Wally with his denial xD That had to be one of the most hilarious scenes in this episode. She's all, I think you're in denial. And he's all, I'm good with that xP I love Wally, he is the most epic little smart kid out there xP Like, you wouldn't even think he was a super genius when looking at his character xD

Kaldur made me laugh even thoug he didn't mean o. He goes through all of his teammates and lists off why each of them can't be elader in his place. And I mean, he's trying so hard to be sincere, but come on, he's justifying why he should be leader... I love him to death, but seriously...xD He iS the perfect leader for them, though. You know, apart from little ol' Robbie <3

Robin's confession was the cutest of all. He admits he always wanted to be Batmna, yet when the time came to take the ol' Bat's place, he couldn't do it. He was leader, and he led his friends to their deaths. He can't give his all for the mission the way batman can. And that can be a good or bad thing. It means he cares about his teammates. It also means that when the time comes, he'll place their safety above the success o the mission. Good and bad. I love this kid <3

So, I often can't stand M'gann. She's annoying, she's dating Connor [when they SHOULD have brought i a Wondergirl for him], she...igh. I don't even know. Just everything about her bugs me to no end. She's too....sweett xP Haha. Anyways, what I could not, for the life of me, understand, was why she freaked out when Canary pointed out she had turned white. And why did she turn white anyways? And when she noticed it, why didn't she change back? These are the questions that haunt me at night....xD
Connor and Canary at the very end...That was sweett. You can tell Conor's getting the most out of this moher figure, from learning how to get his butt handed to him, to learning how to talkk about his feelings. It was so sweet when she reaches out to put her hand on his knee. Though at first I totally thought she was going to give him a hugg. hat woulda been even cuter. Though, I guess it wouldn't have entirely fit with Canary's mach-woman image, now would it have? ;D

{~credit where credit is deserved~}


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