Thursday, November 24, 2011

Young Justice ;; Secrets

This last episode seemed rather pointless in the scheme of things since the whole point was to get some information out of Artemis, yet she still refuses to tell anyone anything of her past.
I liked the triple thing that was going on in this episode. From Artemis and Zatanna's night in the city to Conner, M'gann, and Wally's Halloween party, to Batman and the crew's meeting.
Harm was a little weirdo in my opinion.
I mean, what kind of guy can kill his little sister just to be able to wield that weird sword? Poor little Secret...

I love how they had this Halloween episode so dang late xD
And I love how real looking Conner's costume was. I mean, totally a mummy, right? I love when the other guy was all, burn victim? Like, you know your costume is bad when people have to ask who you're supposed to be xP
M'ganna nd Wally did pretty good, though. I loved when they pulled the prank on the kid from school and M'gann turned into what's-his-name, the martian from Looney Tunes xDxD
And Zatanna and Artemis had pretty cute outfits, too, you know, until they decided to ditch the party without even bothering to tell M'gann they werne't coming xP
Captain Marvel made me laugh with wanting to go with them...That guy....I get that he's a little kid, but come on, act your age when you're in Captain Marvel form, would you? He makes me laugh. I don't even know why he's still with them, though, since Red Tornado is back now.

Okay, and then this mole meeting made my day [like the alliteration there?]. I mean, these are the people Batman trusts. I get why Robbie and Kaldur were there. But why Red Arrow? I get that he's been important and all, but the guy isn't even a part of their team anymore! And then, why in this world would you bring in Red Tornado? I mean, I get that he's good now, but there's still the slight chance that someone could still be using him! And why is Black Canary not there? If the Reds get to be there, I think Canary should as well. She is a very important part of this team ;D
I love how Robin nearly blurted out who Artemis was really related to and Batman's all, secret identities xD I love Robin and Batman for knowing everything ;]

I thought this was a pretty good episode and can not wait for the next one (:

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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