Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thundercats ;; Episode 13 ;; Between Brothers

Not only did Tygra manage to prove that he was all good all the time, he also got Cheetara!!
So, I had had my doubts about this episode, thinkingthat mayeb they'd end up actually turning Tygra evil or something. But the episode did not dissapoint. It did exactly what I thought and hoped it would. It had Tygra prove to Lion-O that he was always on his side [the story about how he ran to their father for help ight after pushing him in was ADORABLE]. And it gave Tygra Cheetara, FiNALLY. I was so happy that shewent with him, because after everything she's dne with and said to Lion-O I actually wasn't sure she'd end up going for the sweet little tiger that looked after her while she waited for Jaga.
May I also point out how awesome Tygra was wih hs Sowrd of Omens and how he was wooping Lion-O BUTT? Haha, even with a fake sword made out of his pent up anger and rage, Tygra still managed to beat the future prince. I feel like he only fought with Lion-O in this scene because he needed to get his anger out and it was the perfect time to do so. Not because he was seriously blinded by rage. But that might just be his lover talking ;D
This last scene, I was so ready for it.
When Auburn, or Anet, or whatever the big elephant's name was, tells Lion-O that the bell hasn't rung yet, I was all, oh SNAP. Tygra's gonna get with Cheetara FOR SURE.
And I was so ang happy about it. And she was so dang sweet about it. Having kept the flower core all that time. That was ADORABLE. And so super SHWEET.
They make one SHYA-DORABLE couple <3
I felt bad for poor wittle Lion-O a tweensy bit... But he can get over himself. He seriously gets everything. He can let his brother win this one time.
I hope he doesn't bring up later and just lets the pir of them be happy together.
Though, knowng Lion-O...he's gonna wanna fight his brother for his lady.

Can't wait for the next episode.
March 2nd?
What EVEN?
That's simply torturous.
Plus thefact that Young Justice and Clone Wars isn't coming on either...
What am I supposed to watch in my two weeks of winter breakk? xP

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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