Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Vampire Diaries ;; Season Three ;; Episode Eight ~Ordinary People~

So, I think I might start blogging weekly for TVD...Just a thought ;)

This last episode, though devoid of any actual action apart from Michael's trying to to kill Damon, was actually quite nice in finally explaining to us how the Originals were created, what Michael's history was, and why Klaus, Rebecca, and Elijah were al always so dang familiy oriented.

Seeing how things played out from Rebecca's point of view was great because though w got to know Eli and Klaus very well, I kept seeing Becca as just a little wanabe Original bratt. Now I see she never wanted any of it in the first place. She was forced into it, she lost her mother and father, and l she had leftwere her two brothers. She trusted thm above all else. She's stubborn but she loves her family. I felt so bad for her when Elena told her it was really Klaus tat killed their mother. It must have simply broken her, because now she would be all alone in the world; she can't turn to Klaus, her father would shun her for taking Klaus' side, and we still don't kow why Eli broke away from them, but he's still MiA anyways [and he needs to come back SOON]. Seeing how much Becca was able to care about her brother Klaus even after he did all his evil stuff (such as stabbing her with the dagger) was so sweett. I love the prevailing theme of family throughout this show. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside when I'm not thinking about how the vampires tend to pull out hearts and burn each other with vervain xD

Okay, Alaric is one of my all-time favorite characters in this entire show, and I absolutely loved how he was figuring out what all the symbol meant and piecing the story together while Elena was getting it verbally from Becca. Alaric is so cool. He needs to be the main character in this show, because he is way better than Elena at everything and doesn't need Damon to fight vampires, and Stefen's just lame right now anyways ;P

My biggest question from this episode was why Eli left them. because in the scene aftre their mother's death, when they hold hands and all? I was like, now there's a bond that could never be broken. And yet, we know it was, since Eli had wanted to kill Klaus. I wonder what could have happened in thsoe thousand years that would have made eli leave them. Also, Eli in olden times? KE-UTE. Long hair looked good on him ;D

Also, their mother being the original witch? What EVEN? shouldn't Ayanna have been the original witch? I found it imply ludicrous to have Esther be the Original witch. That fanily was already way too strong, having the Original vampires, as well as the first hybrid...And now the Original witch as well? That's simply nonsense. I was sooo certain Ayanna was the Original witch! Besides, I liked the idea of the witches being black becauseit made them stand out and be special and all, you know? And yet, now we know the Original wans't even... What ludicrous nonsense.

Also, when Damon and Elena are in bed togethe and she tells him that it will be him who frees Stef and not her, I was like, FiNALLY. 'Cause Stef and el always bugged me, but I always loved Stef and Da's relationship. Like, when Michael is about to kill Damon and Stefen finally comes around? I was like, awe, at first...But then Stef goes and says how he din't do it for Damon, he did it for himself. I was like, NO WAY. And then he's all, why ar eyou even trying to save me? And Damon replied with how Stefen is only where he is now under Klaus' control because he did what he did to save Damon and Damon feels compelled to return the favor. Yet we all know the two brothers would always save each other <3 Again, with the family theme (:

Okay, anyways. I am very excited for the next episode. KAT COMES BACK. Or so I assume. There was a pic of Nina Dobrev with curled hair in the promo, so I'm hoping it's Kat, alive and well. Though, if I find out next week that it was only Elena with curly hair for Homecoming, I will be terriblyangry....xD

{~credit where credit is deserved~}


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