Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thundercats ;; Episode 12 ;; Into the Astral Plane

I really liked this last episode because it had so much Tygra screen time ;D
I felt so dang bad for my wittle tiger kitty! I mean, he's liked Cheetara since they were little kids and she's going to choose Lion-O over him? Like, how in this world can ANYONE like the over-confident Lion-O over the super suave and awesome and amazing Tygra? Tygra's better at everything. His only fault is that he knows it ;)
Cheetara and Tygra as little kids were simply adorable <3 When he gives her the flower, I was like, awh, you are SUCH a sweetie! I felt so bad for him when Jaga finally elts her in and he goes over and the flower was crushed. It was like she had just forgotten him in an instant. And it seems like she hasn't remembered since, seeing as how they are traveling together and I would never have thought that they had ever met before then.
I thought it was so cute when Jaga lets her in. He was all, maybe you do have patience after all <3 And she so had that speed thing down. Who kicks a little orphan girl out just because she messes one thing up? I mean, how heartless could that guy have been??

These two as little kits made my day. They were simply adorable.
I loved seeing the past as a double storyline going with the current episode. It was nice background information that helped justify Tygra's resaoning for being jealous of Lion-O.
I mean, if your little brother got to be king, got the Sword of Omens, AND got the girl you've liked for so long I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like them either. xD
I mean, did Lion-O really have to jokingly say how he got the Sword and would get Cheetara as well? Come on, Lion-O, can't you see how much your brother can't stand you? And then when Tygra goes through the doorway and the elephant dude tells Lion-O he will soon know a betrayal from his brother the likes of which he never has before and Lion-O scoffs and goes, we may have rivalries, but we're still brothers. I was just kind of like, seriously? Tygra looks after you despite everything you do and you don't even realize that the way you treat him might lead him to betray you?
I mean, Lion-O just takes his epicc brother for granted. What even.
I really hope the betrayal isn't Tygra turning bad or something, because that would just make me so dang angry.
I really can't wait for tomorrow's episode. I am so excited to see how things unfold.
Is it really the season finale? Because that would just breakk my heart. Only thirteen episodes and it's going to end with Tygra's betrayal??

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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