Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Vampire Diaries ;; Season Three ;; Episode Nine ~Homecoming~

This episode seriously blew my mind. The amount of things these producers were able to do to this show before the season break. MY GOSH.
Let me just start by saying how much I love being right ;) One second clip in the promo of Nina Dobrev with curls and I totally called that our lovely Katerina was going to make a comeback ;D I've loved Kat from the start, and her being so easily and lamely killed by Michel after surviving so much had made me so angry! And so I was very much hoping all weekk that it would be her and not just Elena all curled up for Homecoming. Before Mike stabbed her I seriously thought it was just El and I was really angry xP But as soon as he stabbed her, I was cheering my head off because thre was no way he would ever have stabbed El without Damon popping out with the special dagger and killing him instead of Klaus xD
Speaking of the magic dagger, hat had to be LAMEST thing in the ENTiRE show. Klaus and Rebekah have been running from this guy for a THOUSAND years and now Klaus was able to kill him in TWO SECONDS? Like, what in the world?? I wasSO mad at Stefen for ruining Damon's brilliantly thought out plan! 
Though, when Kat admits that it was her idea and only because otherwise Damon would have died...But STiLL. Klaus could have been KiLLED and Kat could've thrown the wolfsbane grenade like she did ANYWAYS. Kill thse stinking hybrids...
You know, other than lovely Tyler, who has been getting on my nerves as of late. I mean, I get the whole 'sired' thing, but seriously dude. FiGHT HiM. Let go of your weird siredness! Fight Klaus for the sake of the woman of your dreams! I was soo mad at him when he stabbed Caroline. Though when it turnedout itwas only to protect her, I was all, oh, okay, that's alright then ;) I felt SO bad for him when Care turns him down at the end. Because it's true, she was there for him through everything. And that's asking a lot of just one little vampire girl. She went through your transformations, your rudeness, your everything. And now you're asking her to deal with the fact that you are sired to her best friend's enemy? Sorry, but that's a little too much to ask of one teenage girl, if you askk me.
I felt so bad for Bonnie and her boy problems. because she couldn't even talk to Elena about it. She was right, Jermy is just El's little brother, that's an entirely different thing from being your boyfriend ho cheated on you with his dead girlfriend. It wasa tough spot for Jermy, too, because it wasn't like they were his dead EX-girlfriends, they had both very much still been his girlfriend when they died. That makes the entire situation so much more difficult for him, and I get that. But when you have someone as amazing as Bonnie, why would you even risk losing her for someone you can't even quite POSSiBLY be with? Jermy's a loser and I hope he gets run over bythat car we saw in the promo for the next episode.
 I felt soo bad for Becca! Poor dear, all excited for her first highschool dance and Elena comes in all sweet with her mother's necklace and lets her have it and everything is so nice and cozy and BAM. Literal back tabbing. I was soo mad at El! I mean, I don't like Becca much either, but lately her life has been so terrible, and getting stabbed probably didn't help things along. Especially since she had just worked with them and had lied to the only family she's known for a thousand years. Poor dear...I felt so bad for the poor dear... I wonder what she had been trying to say when she told El not to trust Mike. I mean, it seems rather pointless now, since Mike died anyways... He wasn't planning on turning on them, though, was he? I mean, he needed Stef and Day in order to get to Klaus...
Elena and Damon at the end. <3 When she tells him they can let go of Stefen, I was like GO YOU GUYS. You know, until I found out Stef and Kat had done it all for Damon... I don't know, the entire thing was so dang complicated. Because Day and El were finally ready to let go of the nuisance that Stef had become, yet now he actually iS good... And then Mike is now dead, along with the magic dagger that burst into flames and for some reason didn't kill Klaus EVEN THOUGH Dmon had it in his chest for a good MiNUTE. I will never understand that... And now the lovely Stef has Klaus's family xD I was so happy about that xP I really hope Elijah comes back soon....

I cannot believe we have to wait until JANUARY to get the next episode! That is like torture....xD

{~creit where credit is deserved~}


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