Saturday, April 14, 2012

Young Justice ;; Unusual Suspects

I actually really fell in love with this episodes! All those secrets were going to come out and explode eventually. I'm glad they all got to share them together. This might actually be my favorite episode, thus far. I just loved the idea of them finally getting past the whole mole thing and finally trusting each other. Plus there's only one more episode in this first season, so I guess it had to get a good ending in there ;D

I thought Rocket's entrance into the Team was a little too quick right at Red Arrow's departure for the League. Don't get me wrong, I totally loved her and her character and personality, and I love the idea of Kaldur getting someone to love, I just thought there wasn't much transition. And she didn't seem to pick up with the Team the way Zatanna had. I don't know, we'll see how she makes a name for herself. I thought it was cute that her dad got into the League the same day and was all, Guess we've both found teams. That was totally adorable :D

I loved how the acceptance of new members into the League was this big huge televised thing. Because in Unlimited new members came and went however and whenever they wanted and no one ever bothered to let the public know when those changes happened xD

Robin's all, Give me a second as I hack into my super-genius mentor's system and then we'll go chase down some villains xD I love this kid, he's definitely my favorite Team member :D

I loved the moment when Cheshire was all, Alright, fine. You're my sister. I don't want you dead. 'Cause it was like the first moment we get to see that she actually does care about making sure Artemis doesn't get hurt. So Artemis isn't the only the one that ever held back when dealing with her sister <3 I also loved the very last scene with Cheshire when Sportsmaster was in the quicksand and he calls for Cheshire and she's all, Sorry, every girl for herself. And she looked right at Artemis before disappearing into the woods. I can soo see her being the next person to join this already-very-large Team ;D I would be so happy if she did. She and Artemis have been two of my favorites since the they first came into the show :]

The Team works so well together now :D There are never any problems like there were in the first few episodes. Everyone works in harmony. Like when Zatanna came to help Robin out and then they started working together. And when Kid Flash zoomed in to help Artemis with her father and sister. 

I honestly did not expect him to be willing to tell the Team his secret. I mean, being the son of Lex Luthor is bad enough. But to also admit that you trusted him enough to take the Shields from him? That had to have been tough for Conner. But at least he finally understood that those things were not good for his health. I mean, he went through, like, three in the course of one day in the previous episode! It was going to start hurting him eventually, and now he won't have to worry about it :]

I'm glad she finally told the Team. It had been burdening her for so long. It must have felt so good for her to finally be able to tell them why she was constantly being called the mole, why everyone thought it would be her. And I loved that Robin pledged himself to her by letting everyone know he had known the entire time. I thought that was totally cute. And she was all happy because finally she could be the good girl without her bad girl past shadowing over her. And now KF is fine with her again, after their little falling out two episodes ago.

And finally, our resident White Martian. I'm really glad she got her stuff out as well. I mean, her thing doesn't seem nearly as bad as Conner and Artemis', considering her's was only a problem of appearance, rather than who her parents and family is. And when Conner was all, I've known since back when and was just waiting for you to tell me, I was like, AWH. That was so extremely adorable. I absolutely loved that.

Sharing their secrets definitely strengthened their bond as a Team. And I think Rocket being there to witness it will help her integrate better. I thought Artemis getting her secret out there was the biggest and most momentous thing. I mean, she's had this thing hanging over her since Day One. Conner and M'gann's problems arose in the last five or so episodes. I mean, come on. Haha, but still, good for them all. I loved when KF was all, "Who's next?" and M'gann is all, "ME." That was pretty funny. I love them as a team. They all work so well together. And I'm glad Artemis and Wally are finally together now that Wally finally sees that M'gann and Conner have basically been a thing since the first day xP

I can't believe Roy was the mole the entire time! He was all, WE NEED TO FiND THE MOLE. And then he dang WAS the mole xD At first I completely freaked out when he placed the nano-bot thing on Bat's neck because I was all, NOO, he can't be evil! I've loved him from the start! And then he comes back and he's all, i WAS THE MOLE? Vandal Savage is EViiiiiL >.< And now he controls the League...o.o

I can't wait for the season finale, I can tell it's going to be VERY good ;D

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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