Sunday, April 8, 2012

Young Justice ;; Performance

I really loved this episode. Robin was such a little cutie in it, going back to help people from his past. I thought it was totally cute and sweet of him. I loved Haly and his total innocence when Agent Faraday showed up xD Which, by the way, was totally awesome! I love Faraday! He's just so dang awesome, haha.

Robin was such a great acrobat, haha. I loved how M'gann was all, yeah, I've been using my powers all night long xD All of them in their matching outfits were so cute! Their undercover missions are always my favorites (: And Artemis with her hair down was so pretty! Love the pony-tail, but it's just so tight and rigid, and it was nice to see her loose and happy.

He reminds me of Anderson Cooper for some strange reason xD

I loved when Robin was talking to KF because it showed how Wally was the only person he had told about his past. Which actually totally surprised me. I mean, I knew that KF knew who Robin was, I had no idea that Robin had trusted KF with his entire past. I was in love with them <3 They were such total cuties (:

I loved when Robin got sick because it showed that was just as human as anyone else. He always takes so much and never gives up and so I just thought it was nice that he finally had to admit that he wasn't feeling well. When he stopped Conner and told him to take care of M'gann first, and then got ready to run off after the Parasite and Red Arrow and Artemis stopped him, I thought that was so dang sweet. How he had to admit that he needed help and couldn't just go charging after the villain after all.

And then when Red Arrow was all, "Mind, open." and took Artemis' hand. That was so SWEET. I was so dang happy! I was like, OF COURSE there isn't a mole on the team! We've been over this! And when Artemis was all, each one of us would lay down our lives for this mission, I was like, you go girl!! I'm so glad that Red Arrow finally trusts Artemis and can be on the Team happily now instead of having to worry about who the mole could be xD

I thought it was a pretty good episode and can't wait for next week's (:

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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