Sunday, April 22, 2012

Young Justice ;; Auld Acquaintance

Things got seriously crazy and totally insane in this episode!! The first scene with Red Arrow running from the people, I was like, wowza, the LEAGUE. Haha, evil League is so not good for anyone! They can take down the world if they want to ;D

I don't care if he's not the real Roy Harper. We never KNEW the real Roy Harper. The real Roy Harper has been frozen for the past three years. We knew Red Arrow. We (or, rather, Robin, Kaldur, and Wally) GREW UP with Red Arrow. Green Arrow trained Red Arrow. Who knows, maybe the real Roy Harper was a spoiled rich kid bratt. Who cares? Red Arrow was honest, and true, and determined, and honorable, and strong, and AWESOME. Plus, I fell in love with him. The scene where he's pointing the arrow at Kaldur and demands that he tell him something that only the real Kaldur would know, that scene was so cute. Kaldur was all, my best friend is YOU. Red Arrow might have been programmed to get into the League, but we all have to admit he did it the right way. He never tried to get in by cheating or rushing or anything. He proved himself as a HERO over and over and over. Everyone trusted him, even Batman. I just can't believe he was the mole... I never saw that one coming.... But he should be allowed to stay on the League, or at least the Team, because he did prove himself by helping to free the League and being true after the programming wore off.

Vandal Savage was head of the Light this entire time? That's so lame... It shoulda been something cooler... Well, I guess there's no one that's actually more powerful than him, though, now is there? It was nice to finally see all the people from the Light unmasked. Those scenes at the end of the very first episode always bugged me where the people were just these balls of light talking and they made themselves seem like gods or something xD I loved how in Red Arrow's flashback he was all, Yeah, I ran off while he basked in his own success xP

I loved that Savage sent in Canary, because, I mean, who doesn't trust Canary? They could have been suspicious of Bats for calling them kids, but Canary is just too dang awesome for anyone to think she would ever do anything wrong. And they were so surprised by the fact that she attacked them. When Robin threw the gas at her and Rocket enveloped her in that shield, she looked so dang vulnerable as she fell unconscious... I love how she went back in to the Watchtower with the cute and Savage was all, HAH, gotcha. But then it's all, never mind xD

I loved how Red Tornado was all, yeah, I totally beat the system by setting up an entire program in my inorganic brain in the 0.16 seconds I had before the nano-chip took over my body. Yeah, I'm just thaat cool. 

I loved how they went off against their own mentors!! Superboy was so dang cool... He and Robin, they were all, wanta double team them since we can't take them one on one? And then Robin just pulls out some Kryptonite he keeps with him... He is such a little Batman-in-training, heheh. And then when Artemis, Aqualad, and KF go off against Green Arrow, Aquaman, and Flash, that was dang awesome too. Kaldur's all, here, let me just open the vent and try to suck them out into space :P

I loved that Artemis and KF are FiNALLY official. I mean, they've come a looong way. I remember when Artemis first joined the Team I was repulsed by the idea of her and KF getting together. And then in Bereft when they lost their memories and Artemis and KF woke up together, I thought that was cute. I started warming up to them. And they actually really seemed to get closer after that, even though KF continued to make attempts at M'gann. I was soo happy when he finally realized M'gann and Conner were a thing. Took him long enough. And now...that last scene with them kissing was simply the best <3 And then Conner and M'gann HAD to kiss, of course. And ROBiN AND ZATANNA. I'd been waiting for that to happen! Poor Barbara, not getting to be a part of this, haha. And when Rocket kissed Kaldur, that was really super cute, too (:

I'm so glad the second season is starting right off. I don't think I would be able to wait to see what happens next ;D Can't wait for the New Year's episode (:

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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