Saturday, April 28, 2012

Eon, by Allison Goodman

I just finished this book and I enjoyed every moment of it. I can't wait to finish Eona.

RiLLA ;; Rilla was such a sweetie. I loved how she stuck by Eona through everything, no matter what happened. She was always there was Eona needed her, and she always knew what to say and do when dealing with other people. She was such a cutie. And her as Chart's mother was so touching and sweet and cute and all <3

CHART ;; Chart was so cute. The way he could barely talk and the gardener guy that would translate for him. The gardener guy was so cool for becoming his body servant. That was really adorable. I loved how Chart kept the money thing for Eona and was all, my mom and I want you to have this. And...ahh. He was just such a dang cutie.

LADY JiLA ;; Even though we only got to have one scene with her before she was killed, I thought she was a sweetie. The way she was all over trusting Lord Eon and wanted him to be friends with her son...<3 Friends, not allies, not partners. Friends. That's what she had wanted. I thought that was the sweetest thing ever.

MASTER TOZAY ;; I liked this guy when we first met him as the fisherman, I thought he was cool. And I see now, after reading the end of the book, that when he tried to denounce Lady Jila and the Royal Family, he was actually testing Eona, trying to see if this kid was a good candidate that the Resistance could use or not. I loved that! And he was so cool at the end with waiting for Ryko and not leaving without him (:

DiLLON ;; I thought he was sweetie back when Eona and he were candidates together. But then once he became Lord Ido's apprentice, I liked him less and less. And I realize that it was all because of Lord Ido that he became the way he did, but still. He didn't have to go all crazy and steal the black folio from Eona at the end. I mean, he just made things SO much more complicated than they needed to be!

LORD iDO ;; I absolutely despised this man until the moment Eona purified him. He was disgusting and rude and ruthless and bloodthirsty and annoying. Plus, he killed Lord Tyron. And I loved that guy! But after Eona fixed him, I feel like now he might actually become one of the good guys. I kinda warmed up to him, I guess. Considering he's the only other Dragoneye left, Eona might actually need him in the future... You know, if High Lord Sethon doesn't kill him first.

HiGH LORD SETHON ;; I didn't like this guy. I mean, he killed an iNFANT and his mother! What even? Have you no dignity? There's no WAY that little baby was going to claim the right to the throne in the next twelve days! So why did you have to go and kill the poor thing? And Lady Jila was a DOLL, there was absolutely no reason to kill her as well!!

RYKO ;; I fell in love with him. He's so big and strong and loyal and brave and lovely. I love him. The way he put al his trust in Lord Eon. The way he was part of the Resistance. The way he's so close to lady Dela. The way he would never shirk his responsibilities. The way even after he found out Lord Eon was actually a girl he still continued to do what he had to do, protect her and make sure she helped the Pearl Emperor (KYGO)

LADY DELA ;; I love this woman. She was so strong and brave and everything that a strong court woman should be. You know, plus the fact that she was actually a man. Her love for Ryko was so cute! I totally caught onto that in the first scene when they're in the room with Lord Eon on her//his first day in the palace. And then when Dela catches Eona in her room with the bracelets. I was just like, look at how complicated this scene is! A man acting as a woman and a girl acting as a boy that's now a gay boy. Haha. And then when she figured out the Woman Script thing, I was like, you are TOO COOL. She was just all over everything. And she was so dang good at it, too.

PRiNCE KYGO//THE PEARL EMPEROR ;; I love this guy. He was such a cutie with living in the harem and when he said he believed in friendship more than political alliance. I loved that about him. Who cares if he was softened by living in the harem? He's going to make on dang awesome and compassionate emperor because of it. No one wants a rude and self-absorbed man like Ido or Sethon ruling. A soft-hearted and kind ruler will be much better. I kind of really want Eona and Kygo to get together now that he knows that she's a girl....<3

LORD EON//EONA ;; I really loved her character. I loved her strength and bravery and sense of what was the right thing to do. Her relationship with Chart and Rilla was so cute. I couldn't believe it when she set them both free and let Chart be the heir to the estate! That was so dang epic a thing of her to do. You could tell she wasn't the girl her master had probably raised her to be. He was to greedy. He would have snapped all that stuff up and kept everything for himself had the roles been reversed. I loved when she was in Dela's bathroom and she tried on all the bracelets. It was just like, you ARE still a girl <3 And then when she kept taking the Sun drug, I was like, noo. You need to accept your inner girl! You have to believe in her, she's important! When we found out the Dragon was a female, too, I was like, you are way too cool, Mirror Dragon. Way too cool. Haha. And then...when Eona and her dragon saved Lord Ido, I was like, you guys are so awesome. I mean, who else would try to PURiFY the bad guy's heart? NO ONE does that. That 'twas just to awesome. I really hope Lord Ido becomes good now, that would be so cool! (:

I really liked the book and can't wait to see how the next one ends :D Can't wait to see where Lady Dragoneye shall go from here and whether or not she shall get with Prince Kygo... You have no idea how much I want that to happen right now....

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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