Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Young Justice {{Kaldur'ahm}}

So, this post is dedicated to Aqualad of Young Justice. He is such a truly amazing leader for the team. He cares about everyone, knows who is best at what and where to place them. And he knows how to handle them. Even though the entire team got made at him in Alpha male for not telling them he knew about there being a mole on the team, like Robin said, it's totally understandable. Since he wasn't entirely sure and the information didn't even come from a relaiable source, OF COURSE he wasn't about to place his team in such a contentious positon where everyone is suspecting everyone else. Though, as a side note, I totally thought Artemis was going to be the mole. I was so onehundred percent certain that when Red Tornado dissapeared I totally didn't even believe it. But, I digress from the top of Aqualad :P
He handles every situation so wonderfully. And when he has homesickness an wants to be with Tula, I truly felt so bad for him. He goes back to tell her he's going to leave Young Justice for her just to find she's now dating his best friend, Garth. But it made him stronger and see sense in how he needed to be full tim on the topic of Young Justice and needed to stop thinking about Tula and Atlantis and all.
Okay, and then in the Red Arrow//Cheshire episode when Red Arrow turns to Aqualad in the end? I thought that was amazing. OF COURSE it was kaldur who he turns to. Kaldur is the one you can trust to not tell anyone you needed help, but also trust to actually show up to give you help.
And his eel tatoos? I think those are just the coolest things in the world ;)
They make him look so dang cute ;D
Anyways, yeah, cool guys. Totally amazing. Great friend, always there.
Love this guyy.
And this is a really short post, isn't it?
Oh well, I'm bored now and have school tomorrow...So, fare thee well.

{credit where credit is deserved}


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