Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Heroes of Olympus ;; Son of Neptune

I just finished Son of Neptune, second book in the Heroes of Olympus arc. And it was one of those books where in the last 1OO pages you don't want to read because you don't want it to end, bu at the same time you simply can't put the book down because you NEED to know what happens ;)

I liked the idea of Hazel and Frank also having such important and interesting backgrounds. Because we didn't really get the feeling that Piper and Leo were THAAT important even though we knew Gaea had taken an interest in themfrom the beginning as well. Though, Leo may be a tad bit more interesting now ;)

The entire story line was really interesting, and I have to say, I was really happy to see Percy back. The last book was good, but Jason simply isn't the Percy we all know and love ;)

Anyways, let's look at our new characters, shall we?

HAZEL LEVESQUE ;; I thought she was SUPER sweet, and really caring and kind and amazing, for a daughter of Pluto [though, I love Nico di Angelo, so I might be rather biased]. Haha. I felt so bad for her when we found out about her curse and er history and everything. The way she was cursed because of her mother, and forced to bring up Alcyoneus. And the way she sacrificed herself? That was amazing. She really was inspiring. I felt it rather unfair that she got to come back to life, because personally the wole dead coming back to life thing seems really...weird? Haha, I don't even know the word for it. Maybe it's annoying. I think that's how I feel about it. The thing with Otrero? And Phineas? I mean, thos people died for a REASON, they were annoying the first time around. Now they think they're all higher and mighty-er than ever :P Okay, back to Hazel. I loved the way she was able to control Arion. I wonder if she has Amazon in her future ;) Her love for Frank was so cute. The way shestarted out denying she liked him, and yet kissing him in the end ;] They made a cute couple.

FRANK ZHANG ;; Which leads us right into our little Chinese Roman Candian, now doesn't it? ;) Haha. Frank was a cutie, and I simply COULD NOT see him as a sixteen year old. I tried, very hard. Nope. xD Heheh. But his history was really cool as well. The whole thing with bing able to become whatever he wants? Now, that is one super useful weapon for a demigod! Haha, I lvoed when Frank and Hazel came back from killing Alcyoneus and Percy was standing there all angry at why he couldn't change shape when they were both related to Poseidon//Neptune xP Okay, mars as his dad? WAYY cooler than Ares. Don't get me wrong, I loved Ares, but mars was so chill and laid back and in control and LiTERATE xD Haha, he was a cool dad, in my opinion. Though, I get the feeling Frank would disagree with me :P Frank...supposed to be leader of the mission, and yet he leaves everyting from where to go to how to get there to Percy. I loved Percy...

PERCY JACKSON ;; Percy was so amazing in this book. I loved how well he took to the position of leader with Hazel and Frank. Even after getting his memories wipe and being put to sleep for eight months, he managed to retain his sense of leadership ;) There were some scenes where I just sat there and thought about how amazing he was. Like, when he wa fighting the shades and Hazel had gone for Alcyoneus? After Frank frees Thanatos, he turns to Percy, sees that he needs help, and goes for Hazel anyways. I was just like, that's Percy for you, ready to go down fighting so Frank could save Hazel. And then when Frank and Hazel get ready to leave with lcyoneus and Percy falls over the edge? Just that moment of thinking of how if the roles had been reversed, Percy would definitely have left Alcyoneus and gone to check on his friends. Andthat could be a good or bad thing. On the one side, he is super loyal to his friends and would do anything for them, on the flip side he could one day rik the world for a friend. And then another scene I loved was in the battle in Camp Jupiter when he hasthe eagle and everyone rallies to him? That moment was so awesome. But when he hands it ff to Dakota? It was just like he was saying he knew he was good, he didn't need the eagle to show it off ;) I love this guy <3 And when they all unanimously ame him praetor? I was like, HA. Unlike Jason, he's now leader of BOTH camps ;)

ELLA ;; Haha, she was such a cutie! The way she memorized everything and spit it all out was so cute! I loved her character. haha, and the fact that she has the Syballine books memorized? Now, is it just me, or does that not make her the single coolest photo-memorizeing harpy you hve ever mt in a book? And the way she and Tyson like each other? That was ADORABLE. I loved how she followed Tyson around during the battle ;)

REYNA ;; Reyna was soo cool. I loved the way she held herself and led the Camp as the sole praetor while Jason was MiA. Even though she was strict, as all the Romans were, she had her loose sides. Like wen she talks to Percy in private before he is to leave for their quest? I love how she talks o him about leading the quest and coming back to praetor-ship even though Frank was supposed to be in charge :P And her two dgos, Aurum and Argentum? They were so cool ;) Plus Scipio. Haha, Reyna was a cool leader of Camp Jupiter.

HYLLA ;; Andthen we have Reyna's older sister. Leader of the Amazons. Two completely different paths, and yet they are both leaders. And Hylla was such a chill leader! Like, when she nd Kinzie give Hazel the plan of action by making it sound like a joke and telling her everything at the same time in case someone was listening ;) Plus the way she beat Otrero two nights in a row and then showed up to help save her sister right on time :D

I liked how they would constantly remind us of bad guys Percy faced before because it showed just how many monsters he's beaten and how many different situations he's been through. Like after he falls from the glacier, he calmly tells Hazel and Frank that he's fallen twice that distance before xD

I just simply love this guy....<3

I can't wait for the next one and can't believe Riordin is making us wait an entire YEAR!

{credit where credit is deserved}


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