Saturday, October 15, 2011

Teen Titans

So, I was going through an old TT fanfic of mine from a terribly long time ago, and it made me thinkk about that show. Plus the fact that the episode when Cy infiltrates the Brotherhood was on TV the other day ;D
So, I was just thinking about it and felt like making a blog about it....Yeahh, I get bored and do these things xD Anyways, let's get on with this, shall we?

ROBiN ;; This was probably the first time I fell in love with Robin. I never really liked him in Batman ;; The Animated Series for some reason... But anyways, Rob in Teen Titans was so dang awesome. The leader who knows he's cool. My favorite episode for him was the one concerning his little suitcase and how all the bad guys go after it with the race and all? That was HiLARiOUS and I SERiOUSLY wanted to know what was in that dang bag that was so dang important to him :P Maybe it was baby pictures...xP Anyways. Rob and Starfire were the cutest couple in the entire show. No, scratch that. SECOND cutest. Sorry, but I am still a gigantanormous advocate of Kid Flash and Jinx ;) So, anyways, back to Robin. He was so strong and cool and collected. He knew how to lead that team. And he was so dang kind and compassionate. Totally took after Batman. He was amazing. <3

STARFiRE ;; Starfire was my favorite at the very beginning of the show. I don't know what it was about her alien-innocence [though she wasn't very innocent in that first episode :P] that got me to fall in love with her. After her my favorite became Raven, then Terra, and finally Bumble Bee. I was never consistent. But, Starfire will always remain that awesome Tamaranian in my heart. I love how much she cared about her fellow teammates, as well as anyone she met along the way. She simply wanted to help EVERYONE, no matter what the cost to herself. And I loved how she used to cook all that gunky Tamaranian junkk xD Her and Robbie were the cutest. I seriously felt my heart ache for her in the episode when her sister, Blackfire, comes to Earth. I mean, not only was your sister, who you love dearly, trying to frame you for her own crime, but she ALSO tried to steal your boyfriend? I felt so bad for Starfire because it was so difficult for her to see Blackfire was actually playing her and didn't even are about her little sister. 

RAVEN ;; Raven probably remained my favorite for the longest amount of time. I loved her power, and I loved her secrecy. I fell in love with her when her father came back because how can you not fall in love with a character who's been hiding the fact that she's going to be the cause of the end of the world form her best friends? And the beginning of those episodes, when she tries to make breakfastt and do all those nice things for them? That was the sweetest thing in the entire world. And when BB gives her the penny for god luckk and she actually holds onto it until the very end? That was so CUTE. She and BB woulda been so adorable as a couple. Raven was so strong for wanting to as much as she could before the time came for what she knew she was created to do. And the episode with the book spirit that tricks her into letting him go? I felt so bad for her because she thought she had finally found someone who she could trust and who understood her completely. And he was playing her the entire time. </3 And the fear episode? I absolutely LOVED that one. The fact that Ray had to ADMiT that she was scared before it would all go away? I absolutely ADORED that. Plus the fact that Rabbie figured it out right away ;) Raven's character was truly amazing and greatly developed. She was amazing, even if she was the silent brooding type ;D

CYBORG ;; Okay, anyone who didn't fall in love with Cy was just iNSANE. I LOVED this guy! He was so hilarious! He and BB made up the entire show's comic relief on their own :P I loved his relationship with BB. Those two were so dang hilarious, with their video games and pizza and all. And Cy's serious side was just as lovable as his chillaxed one. When he infiltrates the Brotherhood with his machine that makes him look human? Just seeing how much he wanted that was just so shweet. I felt so bad for him that he could REALLY go back to that. Cyborg was so cool with inventing everything and just general hilariousness. He was an amazing character. I loved the episode when he went to the past. He was so cool in there with the girl and being human and all. That was shya-mazing. And awesome. Anyways, I don't think I have anything else to say about him so let's move on :P

BEAST BOY ;; It's difficult not to like BB because there simply isn't anything not to like. He was adorable, and there was only one time when he was ever actually serious about anything. And that was at the very end when trying to find Terra. He and Terra were the CUTEST. I fell in love with them right from the start. I felt so bad for him while she was with Slade. And then she she sacrificed herself for them. And then she comes back again. And still they can't be together the way they once were. That relationship was just so strained and tragic. Beast Boy was the main comic relief, and I loved that about him. But he still always wanted to see his friends happy. He was always trying to get Raven to laugh with his jokes. And the few times he actually succeeded were so dang cute <3 I used to think they'd be a cute couple. But then where would Terra be? Haha. The episode when Beast Boy becomes that monster and saves Raven from the other monster and everyone thinks he hurt her? That was so cute because he had actually been trying to save her and all...<3

BUMBLE BEE ;; Yeahh, she was the last I fell in love with. And with good reason. A good spy, and a great leader. Her character was shya-mazing. She was so cool and calm and collected. I loved her when we first met her as a Brtherhood goonie, and I always felt as though there shoulda been more to her character than her bring evil. And so when it turned out she was actually SUPER good and actually a SPY, I was like 'GO BEE.' Haha, that was the best moment ever. Realzing she was GOOD. And the way she and Cy work together to bring down Brother Blood? That was awesome. Though, I felt he shoulda been more taken down by her than by Cy since Cy had just met him while Bee had been working so hard to become the best student and tricking him for so long. Cy was discovered as soon as he got there. Be was there for much longer and subject to so much worse since he used mind control on her. Anyways. Then Cy named her leader of Titans East and I was like YEAHH. She was a really good leader, kept those boys in order. She was awesome and always so happy and glad to help (:

AQUALAD ;; I loved how Starfire and Raven had both fallen in love with him when he was first introduced :P I mean, have you ever seen Raven get heart eyes for anyone? She never has anything but those deep dark eyes. Haha, anyone who can make her go gaga for them must be truly amazing, right? And he sure was. Aqualad was so cool, even if he had one of the smaller roles :P He was so cool when he came to tell them his ocean was in trouble. And then when he became a part of Titans East. He was cool under Bee. He annd Speedy were cute buddies. Aqua-people are always so dang cool with their fish and water powers. Haha, sorry, just had to mention that ;)

SPEEDY ;; Speedy...Hmm. He was pretty cool, wasn't he? I remember the episode with that meta-human brawl thing where the MonkeyMan wanted to take powers from everyone? Speedy was really cool in that episode. Haha. Speedy was a greatt part of the Titans East. Archery always gets me for some reason. i find it to be such an amazing characteristic in the superheroes who do it ;) I prefer Spee-err, Red Arrow in Young Justice to any depiction of Speedy though. Haha. OH, and Speedy's little appearance in that one Justice League Unlimited episode? That was HiLARiOUS xP Him and Green Arrow are probably my favorite mentor//apprentice-sidekick team [other than Batman and Robin] in the world. Not because they work well together, we all know they doo, but because of how dang HiLARiOUS they are together. They need each other to do their best, yet they are always insulting each other :P

MAS Y MENOS ;; Haha, these two were so dang FUNNY. They were such a cute little brother//brother duo. I loved the fact that their power only worked if they were holding hands. That was a major weakness, but at the same time it made them all the more cuter. You could never find one without the other. And they had the same ideas about everything. Like when they both fell in love with Starfire and tried to outdo each other by bringing her better things? That was so dang adorable. Haha. They were o cute. And the one episode when, I forget who, gets them apart so they can't use their powers? Still so dang KE-UUTE. Adorability at it's finest ;)

TERRA ;; I loved Terra from the moment she joined the Titans. I never thought she could turn on them, and I never thought she'd be as important as she turned out to be. I thought she'd be just another side character. Just another reserve Titan. But she was soo much more. I loved the way she earned Raven's trust. I loved the way Starfire fell in love with her straight away. The way Cy and Rob liked her. And the way BB found his one true love. I mean, can you imagine someone who could BB to leave any other girl in the world for her? The way he chases after her at her school in the last episode? That was so sad. It reminded me of what happened to Rose in American Dragon :: Jake Long. Girl turns evil but is still good and then loses her memories? And the whole school scene was so weird though. I never entirely understood that part :P Though, it was still cool. And Terra was amazing. She was so innocent seeming and cute. You just wanted to help her out. 

KiD FLASH && JiNX ;; THE CUTEST COUPLE. I love them. The way they fell in love. The way KF kept going after her. The way she gave up her idol for him. The way they show up in that very last battle together and Jinx's old group is there and staring at her like she's crazy. Everything about their relationship made my heart melt and got me to fall in love with them. I always liked Jinx because I thought she cute and had a cool power. I never thought she'd end up being GOOD in the end, though. And I certainly did not foresee her getting with KF. Haha, love them <3
With the reserve members and everyone together, there were so many Titans, and it was SO awesome when they all fought together at the very end. That last fight against the Brain and his goonies was probably one of my all time favorite scenes. I adored that epic battle. 

This was one of my all time favorite shows growing up and I could probably watch these episodes over and over again ;) Great characters, amazing story, wonderful combination.

"When there's trouble you know who to call. TEEN TiTANS GO."

{credit where credit is deserved}


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