Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood {{Maes Hughes}}

Maes Hughes was my all time favorite character in FMA. And of course, because of that fact, he simply HAD to die, now didn't he? Though, it was quite depressing in Brotherhood because he died ten episodes early and even though I knew it was coming, it still took me by surprise because it came WAY too early. I loved his character so much. He was always so happy and ready to help. Always went out of his way to aid the Elric brothers. Always went out of his way to help Roy Mustang. And always, ALWAYS went out of his way to be there for little Elisia. When the Elric brothers go back to see Gracia, it was the saddest thing because she was acting so dang strong, telling them they had to keep going, otherwise Hughes' death woulda been for nothing. And then as soon as they leave, she started to cry. It was the sweetest moment ever <3 

Maes Hughes was someone I would SO want to have as a brother, husband, father, best friend, ANYTHiNG. Just to have him in my life. And he would be so dang epic as any one of those things. The way Maes was about little baby Elisia was the cutest thing in the entire show. He was such a nice and kind father to her. No matter what was going on in his life, he always had time for her. And he was so proud and loving of her. Always had her picture with him, always had stories to tell about her. He was just always wanting to talk about her. Haha, he was like those young fathers about their first daughters, you know? Always wanting people to know her the way he did. And he was so involved in her upbringing, that he had to be a truly amazing father to her, and a totally helpful hubbie for Gracia. When Maes makes Winry stay with them and they both freakk out over her birthday together? That was simply ADORABLE. And when Winry sees just how awesome a family Maes has, that was simply cute <3 

I loved the way he always said he was working, and yet every time you caught him he was goofing off one way or another. and yet, he was still on top of everything. Like, when Roy would ask him a question he would begin his answer in his cutsie little voice and say something about Elisia, then suddenly get his serious deep voice and relay some super importante information.
And then the little mini-clip about how Maes and Roy met way back when they were students at the military acdemy? I absoluely LOVED that! Th way they started out oly knowing each other from afar and competing to see who was the best? And I loved that they bothhad the same ideals on saving the Ishvalan. The way Roy was already defending him against the older students, and then Maes comes on in nd scares them away and they fight together? Haha, and then the three of them get in trouble together for it? And then when it goes to the future in the Ishvalan war and that guy comes out and tries to shoot Roy Mustang? And then Maes pops out and shoots him super fast? That was crazy...I was mad at that Ishvalan for turning my wittle Hughes into a killer... But I was also super proud of my wittle Hughes for saving his buddy so dang quick <3

They were an amazing duo. If Maes had stayed alive, he woulda helped Roy to the end and I bet Roy woulda gotten there faster ;)
I felt his death was more justified in Brotherhood because Roy keeps going at finding the killer. In FMA he just kind of forgets all about his best friend who died for their cause. But in Brotherhood, in that scene with Envy, he just pops it out, and even Edward looked surprised. The way Roy goes into a rage to kill Envy? I know I shouldn't, but I absolutely LOVED that. The fact that Roy cared so much about Maes and their friendship that he couldn't stop until he killed th reason Maes was no longer with them? That got to me, and I absolutely loved and admired Roy for doing it. And if Riza, Scar, and Ed had let him kill Envy, I woulda been totally fine with that. Maes killed tat Ishvalan forRoy, and Roy would have killed Envy for Maes. Would have brought the two friends full circle, if you ask me.

Maes's funeral was one of the saddest moments in the entire anime. The way Elisia was cryig out... "Why are they putting dirt on Daddy? Daddy has to finish his work!" ...That was terribly heart-wrenching. And I was soo dang mad at Wrath when Roy goes to talk to him and asks why he was shaking at the funeral if he didn't care about humans and he replies that he was only shaking because of Elisia's annoying cries. I was so ready to slap his dumb anime face through the computer :P And then when Roy said it was a terrible day for rain and Riza tells him it isn;t raining and he tells her it is. And then he sheds a tear and she agrees that it actually is. That was soo sad! You would never see Roy Mustang cry for anyone else....You know, other than Riza. Tough, if Riza died, he'd probably be in the grave next to her, so there'd be no need for tears :P

Maes Hughes.
Amazing father.
Wonderful husband.
Best friend.
The Best Man in Fullmetal Alchemist//Brotherhod.

{credit where credit is deserved}


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