Thursday, May 3, 2012

YJ :: Invasion ;; Happy New Year's

Okay, so I had extremely mixed feelings on this new episode. I mean, there were some things that I really liked [like some of the new members] and then there were some things I absolutely couldn't stand [like the five year time skip]. 

One of the things I was really mad about was M'gann being with Lagoon Boy. I mean, what EVEN? Conner and M'gann were such a cute couple! I mean, they were literally a 'thing' since Day One when she walked into Mount Justice and changed the color of her costume to match his shirt! She fell in love with him right then and there. And then she worked so hard to get through his rough shell. And then when Conner told her how he already knew about her appearance thing and was waiting for her, I was like, awhh, that's the cutest thing ever! And then their New Year's kiss was simply adorable. How does something like that fall apart so quickly in only five years? And when Conner walked past them kissing, he was obviously angry. So he obviously wasn't the one to cut things off with her. I just don't understand what could quite possibly have gotten them to break up. They were just too perfect for anything!

First off, let me just say, I love that Rob is now Nightwing. I mean, that just makes him ten times cooler than he ever was before ;D Okay, and then when he tells the new Robin not to die, I was just like, awhh! Because you know he's talking about poor Jason Todd... Though, that means that in the course of only five years, Robin became Nightwing, Batman took on a new Robin, that Robin died, and Batman managed to get a new Robin. I mean, that's a busy five years for the Dark Knight...

I loved seeing Wondergirl and Batgirl fighting side by side! They made one serious butt-kicking team! I really hope Supergirl comes into the show, too. It's be so cool for the three girls of the Trinity to work together! Plus Supergirl and Batgirl make a dang epic duo as well ;D I wonder if the reason they placed M'gann with Lagoon Boy was so that Conner could get with Cassie like he is in the comics... Still, if they had that planned, they shouldn't have led us on for so long. I mean, that's simply CRUSHiNG....

I kinda really like this new Robin. I mean, he did a decent job leading on his first mission. Even if it was only Gamma, haha. I mean, I liked his character. This team for this mission reminded me of the Team in season one when they were first starting out and trying to learn how to work well together. They were cute. I loved Blue Beetle, because Jaime is soo awesome! When he started talking to the alien, I was like, you are too cool! And when he was talking to himself, or to the beetle, I was seriously laughing at him :P Oh, Jaime, why art thou so cuteee? And then Lagoon Boy... I'm pretty sure I would like him a TON lot better if he hadn't gotten between M'gann and Conner. I mean, I don't know that it was his fault, but I'm going to blame him since we don't have anyone else to blame right now :P

I simply don't understand how it is that Nightwing, M'gann, and Conner, three of the oldest, FOUNDiNG members of the Team, are still on Young Justice while Rocket and Zatanna, two of the NEWEST (one of whom was only there for TWO episodes) can be with the Justice League. I mean, what EVEN? I understand that they said they WANTED to be there, but come on. They worked so much harder and for so much longer. They deserve it soo much more! And I was soo annoyed when Rocket and Zatanna were OFFERiNG them the place on the League. Like, seriously? You guys JUST got there, you aren't THAAT superior to them yet, if EVER. And why in this world did M'gann chop off all her hair? Haha, sorry, just had to ask :P

I really love all the new characters! I can already tell they're all going to be extremely epic and totally awesome. I can't wait to get to know them all better. I mean, BB and BB [Beast Boy and Bumble Bee] were two of my favorite characters in Teen Titans, so I can't wait to see how they play themselves out in this show. And then...ahh, Jaime. I love that kid. He's such a little cutie <3 And we'll see if Mal gets any cooler, haha. So far all he's done is stand there and stare at a computer screen :P

Alrighty, now one thing that I absolutely will NOT stand for. The disappearance of Artemis, Aqualad, and Kid Flash. WHAT iS GOiNG ON? Where are these awesome people? My favorite couple and my favorite team leader? I mean, I get that Nightwing has to be leader of the Team now that he's 'ready' and ...well, Nightwing. Nightwing kicks butt. You can't beat him. And then KF and Artemis. They are my all-time favorite couple in this show! I need to know what happened to them! I mean, how can you leave us with their New Year's kiss and then just make them disappear? And Kaldur's kiss with Rocket! He needs to leave Atlantis, or Tula, or wherever he is, and come back to be with her!!

Missing the old team already...<3

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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