Sunday, May 13, 2012

YJ :: Invasion ;; Alienated

This episode made my head twirl with everything totally and extremely insane that happened in it! I mean, I would feel much better right now not knowing where Kaldur was than knowing what happened to him. At least I can still imagine that Red Arrow, Artemis, and KF are somewhere on a secret mission... And I'm going to keep thinking Kaldur is undercover until the moment when he does something to prove me completely wrong. I will not accept what they have done to him.

I still can't believe what M'gann is dong to the Kroloteans! She's completely mind sucking them and ruining them! I mean, what kind of teenage super hero does something like that without caring one bit? And why was Superboy the only one looking at her with disgust? I mean, should J'onn and Bats have been worried about what she did to that thing? What if she turns and decides to do it to people? Conner's going to be able to say I-told-you-so if that ever happens!

I seriously fell in love with the four of these people being together and working together and fighting together and just about doing anything together. Forget the other mentor//apprentice teams in this episode, this team was the only one that even remotely mattered! They were so dang amazing and cooperative and everything together! Nightwing was all, number seven and Batgirl just hops on it and knows exactly what he's talking about. The four of these people could have taken down the entire building on their own if they wanted to. I love Batman for proving that he can be a hero without the use of mega-super-powers. And that he can train other people to do the same thing. I love the Bats.

Wonder Woman and Wondergirl made a seriously hilarious team! You'd think someone training under Wonder Woman wouldn't even have a chance at cracking jokes because Diana is always so dang seirous about everything. But you would be wrong, haha. I loved when Wonder Woman was all "A little less fangirl and a little more Wondergirl." That made me laugh to no end. But, I mean, the girl is fully capable of handling enemies, so I guess it's fine if she gets impressed by her teacher's abilities every now and then. And I mean, Diana is pretty impressive, so it make perfect sense, haha.

I loved when Superboy and Superman were fighting together! You can tell that since their coming to an understanding five years ago after the Savage incident, they've spent a lot of time together, talking and fighting. You can tell they've mended their relationship and are terribly extremely close now. Guess Bats was right all along. All Conner needed was a father figure to stop his rage-filled-ness. He's totally epic now, haha

Now, this pair of mentor and apprentice bugged me to no end. I mean, this episode was reminding me of the very first one when Batman, Flash, Aquaman, and Green Arrow went out ice-villain-fighting with Rob, KF, Kaldur, and Red. But now instead of KF and Flash there was Diana and Cassie. And instead of Robin there's the entire Bats Battalion. And instead of Kaldur there's...La'gann. As you can probably tell, I'm starting to like this guy less and less. It seems to me he can't do anything right. And when he calls M'gann 'angelfish'? *shudder*

I am beyond horrified with what they did to me beloved green eyed beauty. Kaldur was the single most (well, other than KF and Rob...) amazing guy on the Team throughout the entire course of season one. And now suddenly (well, I guess not suddenly since it's been five years...) he decides to join Black Manta against his best friends? There's no way the Kaldur I knew would ever do something like that! Though, while watching it, I kept getting the feeling he didn't exactly entirely want to do what he was doing. He told them about the bomb because he wanted them to get away, not because he was maliciously giving them the choice of saving themselves or catching him. He still cares about them because that was in his nature. He always cared so much about his friends. I simply can't believe that he would completely renounce them over something like a girl. (well, not just a girl. The love of his life). And she did die... I really wish we could have seen Aquagirl on the Team! That woulda been totally awesome! Anyways, I think later on Bats will be all, yeah, I sent Kaldur in on a secret mission. I really hope that happens. That would be the best. It would make my life so much happier if I knew that...

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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