Thursday, May 3, 2012

Legend of Korra ;; The Voice in the Night

I'm really warming up to this show. I mean, it'll never hold as much esteem in my heart as Avatar the Last Airbender did, but it's definitely a close second. It'd be awesome if we could get some grandchildren of the characters in the original show that are Korra's age that could join her group, you know? I think that'd be dang awesome... Anyways, on to this episode :]

I thought Tenzin's showdown with Tarrlok was pretty awesome, haha. Even if he did end up losing, he knew how to fight his cases. Those other three council members were dumb to side against the son of the former Avatar. Aang was awesome, and his son is worthy of as much, I' sure.

Poor Korra. Having nightmares of someone as creepy scary as Aman has got to be tough. Poor girlie. Though, I feel as Aang never once had nightmares about anything. Not even anyone in the Fire Nation. He was one hard rock. And always ready for a challenge. 

I seriously loved the scene when Korra denied Tarrlok. I was clapping for Tenzin! I was all, Tenzin ;; ONE. Tarllok ;; ZERO. Haha, even if Korra didn't even do it for Tenzin, I still felt as though he was the one winning a battle against Tarrlok, not Tarrlok losing one with Korra. Yeah, it's always all about the adults, no isn't it?

I felt like Korra gave in to Tarrlok too easily under the scrutiny of the reporters. And then she was way too quick to challenge Aman to a showdown. I mean, what exactly was she planning? That she would be able to take him down just like that even when no one else had been able to stop him from what he was doing? Sometimes she's just way too reckless. And then I try to think about Aang and how he always rushed into things without thinking them through. But I feel as though Aang was always better about things than Korra is. Aang journeyed with the guilt of failing the entire Air Nation. Korra was raised in a spoiled and luxurious life with everyone doing exactly what she wanted. She thinks she's better than she really is.

And she got taken way too easily. I mean, she didn't even REMOTELY put up a fight! She just kind of got taken and then stared at him. Had he not had his own plans, he would have taken the AVATAR's power right then and there. Come on, Korra, you're fouling up the memory of Avatar Aang with your incompetence! 

When Mako first ran into Asami, I was SO certain she was Zuko or Azula's daughter or granddaughter. SO SURE. And then she went and told him how she was the loser bratty rich kid daughter of the inventor of cars. I mean, really? How much lamer can you get? And now she's funding the Ferrets. Just watch, she is SO going to end up being evil or have some kind of ulterior motive. I bet she's working for Aman or something along those lines. There's no way Mako could have stumbled upon an honest and generous rich kid. Besides, he has to get with Korra!

I loved when she finally admitted her fears of Aman! It just made her so much stronger. I mean, now she isn't just the full-of-herself Avatar she started out as. Now she's the girl who admitted she was scared. The girl who knows now she'll finally be able to overcome her fear. The girl who Aman spared because he has bigger plans. Can't wait to see what exactly those plans are!

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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