Friday, March 30, 2012

Switched at Birth ;; Episode 22 ;; Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time

I thought it was really cute how Emmett asked Bay to the prom. He even had me going for a moment there, haha. I was actually JUST warming up to the when the ending of this episode hit... I mean, come on. These people get really angry really fast, heheh.

Daphne's way of asking was cute, but cheesy, heheh. I bet it was so embarrassing for her to have been rejected in front of all those people though... Poor girl. I was trying to figure Wilke out when he said he had a paper, because he had talked about having homework in the previous episode. Considreing he was the one who told Toby to steal test answers, it seemed strange to me that he would ever choose homework over Daph, but we find out there's more to him than what meets the eye. He actually TRiED to get to stay. I thought that was so dang sweet.

I was kind of mad at Johnathon for rejecting Kathryn's attempt at making up. I mean, come on. You were the one acting all suspicious with the Lazar woman, so you should have been happy to accept that your wife was willing to forgive you for telling the woman about the miscarriage...

I'm kind of warming up to Patrick. He is actually trying really hard to work with Regina's whole single mother thing, and I think it's absolutely adorable. I can't believe Angelo decided to show his face right when she was getting serious again...

I really liked him before he just went off and disappeared. He was so sweet to the girls, and he made Regina so happy... But then he just disappeared and everyone was all broken, and then now he decides to suddenly come back and wants to get back in everyone's lives and start where he left off. I feel so bad for Regina because Patrick is so nice and perfect but now the one she has so much history with is back in the picture.

I love how Bay dumps her Angelo issues on Emmett as soon as he shows up. And he, still feeling guilty about sleeping with Simone, just up and takes her to the department. I don't get why Angelo tells her about how he needs money. I get why that puts her in a bad mood. I mean, come on. That was soo not the right thing to say, dude!

I seriously can't believe how close Kathryn was to kissing Craig! I mean, besides the age difference, HYPOCRiTE. She JUST went through this huge fight with her husband, accusing him of seeing someone else, how can she even THiNK about thinking about anyone apart from her husband? 

I couldn't believe how Emmett lied straight to Daph's face. I mean, what happened to my angel?? And Daph knew, of course. She and Wilke...<3 I really hope he doesn't go off to boarding school just for her to get with that other deaf kid, what's-his-name. I mean, I get that Daph is being nice to him and all, but the kid really doesn't deserve it. He is rude to EVERYONE. I get he has a bad home life, but STiLL. He could be nice, OCCASiONALLY. 

And then when Emmett tells Bay... I actually felt really bad for her. At least when the suspicion was on her for cheating, she actually wasn't. She hadn't told Ty about getting with Emmett, but she wasn't talking to him as though they were still together, at least. Now here, Emmett actually SLEPT with Simone, someone he didn't even know and can't even communicate with... I understand Bay here and am totally on her side in this. I just don't know what's going to happen next. And who's going to tell my lovely Toby? Poor kid, everyone knows about what his girlfriend did with his sister's boyfriend except him.... And he though he could actually trust her since he found out it wasn't her who had tried to get Daph off the team.

That I thought was so sweet, how he refused to go to tournament in defense of his sister!! I was like, you are the very best, Toby, I absolutely love you <3<3<3

Anyways, we'll see where these things take us. Now that Regina has to MARRY Angelo to let him stay. Will she choose her own happiness with Patrick and let Angelo get deported? Or will she choose Bay's happiness, leave Patrick, and marry Angelo so he can stay?

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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