Saturday, March 24, 2012

Young Justice ;; Agendas

I kind of really liked this episode even though we only saw one member of the Team. Seeing the League and their secret meetings was totally worth having another episode just about Conner. He's a cutie, so it was totally okay by me. 

I loved how Wonder Woman was all, we need more female members and Dinah and Shayera were just all, aye aye. That was hilarious. Also, I've never considered the members of the League in this show until now since they were all together in this episode. It's kind of interesting to have both Hawkgirl and Hawkman as well as two Lanterns all on one team. And I find it interesting that Captain Atom is there, but Atom isn't... I don't know, Atom just seems more of a League member to me than Captain, Atom, you know? But anyways, it's a nice assortment of heroes they have there. And I would totally love to find out who they decided to induct into the League. 

I loved how Wolf went with Superboy and fought and helped him and all. I thought that was totally cute. Okay, so, the clone having a clone? That seems a tad bit much, no? I mean, I get that they had to introduce Lex being his human DNA donor SOME way, but still, with another Conner? I don't like to think about Luthor caring more about Conner than Clark, but dang. Clark really needs to get on the whole taking care of his clone//son, otherwise Luthor is totally going to beat him to it!

I loved how the League started talking about Captain Marvel when he was sitting right there :P That was just to good... Haha, they're all like, he's only ten.... Poor kid....

Okay, and then WHAT EVEN? Is this show putting Wonder Woman with Superman instead of Batman? I mean, you can't DO that! Why is she holding Clark's hand and getting mad at Bruce? This is so dang WRONG... Clark has Lois Lane and Bruce has Diana. That's how the world works. We should not try to tamper with the natural order of things.

I thought it was a pretty good episode, though I kind of wish we had seen more of the rest of the Team. And dealt a bit more with M'gann's identity issues....Hahaha. Anyways, good episode, can't wait for next week's.

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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