Saturday, March 24, 2012

Thundercats :: Episode 14 ;; New Alliances

I am so glad this show is back on. After ending with Cheetara's decision, I needed to know what happened next. How their relationship would go and how Lion-O would react. And wowza, he is rage-filled, now isn't he?

Kit and Kat are such cuties. I loved how they brought the lizards into the ambush at the very beginning of the episodes. And I love how Lion-O and the others just let them help out with these dangerous missions. As though it doesn't matter that they're just little kittens. (:

And Panthro. I had no idea what was going to happen to him after he lost his arms. I'm glad this world has Berbils to fix everything, heheh. I kind of think the extending-ness of the arms is rather lame, though. I mean, it looks like he's Plastic Man or something, and that's just lame. But oh well, at least he has arms now, that's always a positive. I love Panthro. He's such a cutie.

I'm so glad they brought in these new generals. They were sorely needed. I mean, sorry, but those lizards were just lame and totally cowardly. Plus they lost every single fight and looked ugly. Maybe this monkey and jackal can forge the teas together to actually be kinda cool... And Mum-Ra is pretty lame, too. I mean, he's just this dummy mummy that sits in his lair all day long having lizards do his dirty work for him. How much weaker and lamer could you get? 

Lion-O was a total jerk to Cheetara about what she chose. I was really happy that he allowed Tygra at least to believe that he was happy for them. That was really sweet f him. I honestly didn't think he was capable of it, though. And I was so happy when Cheetara told Lion-O that she had only been rooting for him and watching him because Jaga had told her to. I was all, wowza, slap in your face, Lion-O! Haha. 

They are total cuties! I can't get over how happy I am that they're together now. And that she can finally be open with who she chose and who she loves. I absolutely LOVED when Tygra got captured and she dropped her staff and told Lion-O that she had to stick with him. My heart melted for them. They are just such adorable cuties!!! I kind of didn't like how she's neglecting her watching-of-Lion-O, though. I mean, just because you told him you were only there to watch him doesn't mean you can stop looking out for him, you know?

But it was still a totally fine episode. I love Tyrgra.... I didn't like how he was the first to get captured. It should have been Lion-O for being a total jerk to Cheetara... I love these brothers, though. I can't get over how Lion-O suppressed his anger to make Tygra think he was happy for them....<3

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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