Thursday, March 29, 2012

Switched at Birth ;; Episode 21 ;; The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

So, I was kind of really mad at the ending of the previous episode with the whole thing with Emmett and Simone. I mean, what even? They both have such cute and adoring significant others (Kennishes make for good girl/boyfriends, don't they?). Toby is my all time favorite guy on the show (after Emmett and totally ruined his angelic-ness). And Bay is just....well, Bay. I don't actually like her because I'm on Daphne's side most of the time, but you have to admit, Bay is just as annoyingly sweet as her mother, Kathryn (yes, another Kennish). 

I understood why Daphne felt like she missed out on the life she should have had and all, but why, oh, why, did she have to confront Regina about it? I mean, that was just plain cruel. I often take Daph's side in things because she often loses more than anyone else, but in this case I just couldn't. I found myself getting really mad at her as she basically told her mom that she wished she had grown up with her birth parents because she could have been rich and gotten everything Bay has. That was just rude and cruel and ...terrible, of her to do. 

I kind of really liked Kathryn and Regina's little bonding moment. Like they finally had something to relate to. Cheating husbands. And I loved how Regina decided to get on board with the book thing. Kathryn is going to stick Sarah Lazar in a very deep hole, because even if Johnathon told her all the deets in the Kennish side of things, there's no way she would know anything about Regina's side of the story. This is going to be great. And I was glad to hear Johnathon actually wasn't cheating on Kathryn, because they are such a cute little couple that I just wouldn't have been able to stand it if he had.

I loved this episode because of how everyone was all together in the same place for the first time in decades. It was a fun and cute party for Emmett. I bet he loved getting to star in his own movie, that woulda been totally awesome. Though I didn't like how Bay took complete credit for setting everything up even though the idea had basically been Daph's to start with. But, eh, oh well. Daph was too busy thinking about how much she wished she was a Kennish. Maybe then Wilke wouldn't be leaving. (oops, that's the next episode ;D)

Scenes like this make me forget about how much I really don't like Bay and Em being together. It always takes me a moment to get back to not liking her because of how cute a couple they are...Dang you, Em and Bay! Haha.

I almost felt bad for Em and Simone... But then again, it WAS their own fault. I loved how Wilke was the one to find out. When we first met him, he seemed like the guy that would have waved that phone around and announced what he had just discovered and ruined everyone's lives. The guy that didn't care. But we're learning that that isn't him, now aren't we? Not only did he confront Simone in private, but he defended Toby because they're best friends. That just struck me hard. The fact that Wilke actually cared about Toby. I love that kid so much. I really really don't want him to leave...

Okay, and then at the end when Daph and Regina make up? And Daph is all, let's make some memories of our own? WHAT EVEN? You two already have memories! You've been making them your entire life! She was just so plain rude to her mother that it really bugged me to no end....

Anyways, next up, the FiNALE.
And things get crazyyyy.

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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