Thursday, March 1, 2012

Star Wars :: Clone Wars ;; Episode 19 ~ Massacre~

Okay, so I mentioned in the previous post on Clone Wars about how there haven't been very many dry spots in this season. Looks like they just felt the need to prove me wrong. I mean, seriously? No mention of a single Jedi, ALL Dooku//Grievous//Ventress//Night Sisters nonsense? And now the last few episodes are going to be about them and the monster Ventress created? I mean, I was all for them and Ventress in the previous season, but this is just too much. She's not thaat cool. 

Though, I was all for the new costume! I never liked the skirt thing she wore as a Jedi. She's way cooler as a Night Sister. It's just too bad that ALL the Night Sisters are dead now... Come on, Dooku, was that really necessary? They were all pretty dang cool.

Was I the only one who thought the dead Sisters were a tad bit too creepy? Considering this is a kid's show, after all. I mean, seriously? That would totally have freaked my little brother out. Plus they were useless and didn't even turn the tide of the fighting, so why were they necessary?

And then Dooku's little boil thing? I've got to say, that was rather lame. With a voodoo doll like that couldn't you do a tad bit better than that? And then Mother and her mother die so easily? This was just a terribly done and poorly thought through episode. We need to go back to Anni and his relationship to Palpie. Because that's the only interesting thing going on right now. I mean, would they actually turn Anni evil in this show? Or will they just end it after this season and not have to deal with Darth Vader and Ahsoka's reaction and relationship to and with him?

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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