Sunday, May 20, 2012

Legend of Korra ;; The Aftermath

I always knew there had to be something wrong with Asami. And even if I wasn't right about her, at least I was right about her father, heheh. I loved that she proved herself by turning on her father and displaying her fighting skills, that was totally amazing and made her worthy of dating Mako (:

I almost felt bad for him for losing his ability to bend. I mean, that's go to be tough. No matter how obnoxious and rude he was, bending was a part of who he was, and to suddenly lose that, that's go to be horrible. I thought it was sweet of Korra to sit down and talk to him. And I really liked when he was all, "You have to get him for me." Because it kind of gives Korra a reason to keep going. She can always remember him and be reminded of why she has to keep going and beat Aman. 

He was such a dang convincing old man. So sweet and cooperative and generous. Made everyone think they was no way he could be related to the Equalists. No way at all. Except, of course, for the fact that a fire bender killed his wife. Didn't see that one coming, now did you?

He looked seriously deranged when he was inside the little machine thing. I can't believe he's been funding Aman all this time. Funding him, and creating his weapons. Sato's the reason the Equalists got those glove things. And these new weapons are going to be really difficult to beat. Inside, he was all, "let's make things more equal." But those machines make things quite unequal, if you ask me. I mean, you get to be completely shielded, and you're bigger, and you get to shoot electricity? That doesn't seem at all equal to me...

I love the fact that despite everything going on, it was Mako who picked up Korra, not Bolin. And the fact that Mako would even think to go to Korra before Tenzin or Lin, it just shows that he does still have feelings for her. I know, I know, he's still with Asami, but it's still possible. He could easily leave her for Korra, I know it can happen, haha.

I seriously didn't believe it for a second. I knew she was going to fight him. She might come off as being the rich brat, but this episode definitely served to prove her as being fully capable of taking care of herself. First with the race-car, and then with turning on her father. And what a beautiful betrayal, too. She had those fight movies down, and she took both guys out so easily. She might actually end up being a great character, even if she isn't Zuko's granddaughter, like I wanted her to be.

I love Lin Bei Fong to no end. And I love that she's going to leave the police force and do thing thing 'outside the law'. She is far too cool! I kinda wish we had Toph's granddaughter, though, to be closer in age to Korra and the others. That'd have been really cool, to have a Toph in their group. Though, Lin is still pretty epic, so it's all cool (:

I loved how Korra walked in and they were just sitting there swimming xD And when Asami is all like, yeah, I didn't actually ask my dad for permission... I bet he was blowing steam when he found out Mako was going to be living in the house with them, considering a firebender is the one that killed his wife. He kept his cool pretty well, with Mako and Bolin hanging around his daughter all them and having to sponsor the pro-bending thing and all. Guy did a great job keeping his secret. Not so much any more, though, since he went crazy trying to get back at Lin and Tenzin and Korra when they came down there... Heheh

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Saturday, May 19, 2012

YJ :: Invasion ;; Salvage

Am I the only one who feels as though every episode blows the previous one away in intensity and insanity? It's like every episode just makes the show better and better. I loved this episode to no end because we got to find out where the remaining missing characters had gone, as well as how their love lives ended up working out (:

I can't believe how far down Red Arrow managed to sink in the past five years. I mean, I thought Kaldur being evil was bad, but at least he was good at it! Red over here is tripping over things, unable to shoot or fight correctly... I mean, this guy was the top of the line, he was the best at everything, and now here he is, unable to take care of himself. I loved when Black Canary attacked him to open his eyes and show him just how wrong he is about himself. I loved when she grabbed him right at the end there before he fell. I love that woman to no end.

I loved how all these people came together for him. Because they all cared so much about him. I mean, Green arrow had to be there because he was the mentor. And Canary because she's just such a sweetie and always there for everyone <3 I loved that Guardian came to tell him about how he knew what it was like to be a clone and to want to find your original. And then Nightwing because he's known Roy since forever. And then Wally. What made Wally's being there even more poignant is the fact that apparently Wally has left the hero business. So he actually came in this night just for Red. I mean, if all that doesn't tell you you have people who care about you, I don't know what does.

Though I'm quite certain he's going to HAVE to reform himself now. I mean, he's a father! He hasn't even got a choice in the matter anymore! I love the fact that he and Jade actually went and got married! I so called it! I couldn't wait for the pair of them to get together! And the fact that he said she left him and went back to crime means that she had, even if just for a little while, left the life of a criminal. And now she has a daughter, so she has to fix herself up as well. Though, I almost feel bad for Lian because it seems like she might end up having to grow up in the same environment that Jade and Artemis grew up in, with the crime world being right outside their door.

I just want to say that La'gann and M'gann need to stop being so close and mushy in front of Conner. It's like Conner just stares at her angrily, and she doesn't even acknowledge his presence. I don't get if she's just being that way to be vengeful toward him for breaking up with her, or if she's actually just that oblivious to his feelings. And I seriously don't get why La'gann doesn't do anything about it. I mean, he has to be able to see Conner, right? Does he seriously WANT Conner as an enemy? I just don't understand... I loved Gar's little one-man-classroom in the background there, haha. It's like the entire population of Happy Harbor High lives or works in Mount Justice...Like, what even? xD

I loved how Superboy just dragged Blue Beetle out with him, just to show to M'gann that he could do his own thing, too, haha. I thought the pair of them actually made a pretty good team. I loved how Blue finally told Conner why he's always talking to himself. At least someone now knows that Blue isn't completely crazy and talking to himself, haha. One of my favorite parts in this episode had to be when Conner was all, "Don't you freshmen ever do your homework?" I absolutely loved how he called the new members of the Team freshmen, because now he's a senior on the Team :'D And when Conner started telling Blue the story about the Apellaxians, I was just like, wowza, Dick has definitely rubbed off on you in the past five year, Conner, because I'm pretty sure you never used to do your homework, either ;)

On the topic of Wally and Artemis? I am BEYOND excited about their still being together! They're like the only couple from the first season (apart from Red and Chesh, I suppose) that survived together through the time skip. I love the fact that the pair of them are living together! And they're in the same school (college now, right?) since they're taking the same classes! I don't really like the fact that Wally isn't on the Team anymore [and that probably means that Artemis isn't either]. But I do like the fact that they would have left the life of heroes just to be together. I find that really cute. I love how both sisters {Artemis and Jade} left their lives for the men of their lives. Though, Jade's home doesn't look very nice... Haha, at least Wally and Artemis are doing well, with whatever jobs they've taken on. I love them to no end...<3

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Monday, May 14, 2012

Legend of Korra ;; And the Winner Is...

They could have had this whole pro-bending thing go on for a while longer and no one would have minded since the competition is so much fun... I have no idea why they made only the sixth episode be the championship... And then the Fire Ferrets don't even win xD

The whole Lin and Tenzin thing was so dang cute! I knew there had to be some reason as to why she was so against the Avatar right off the bat. And why she was always so harsh and rude with Tenzin. But I just can't imagine her...liking someone. Haha, I guess she's just too much like Toph for me to be able to think of her as a...well, girl, I guess. I loved the flashbacks! Those were totally amazing, heheh. And I thought it was cute when Tenzin and Lin were standing together and talking during the championship. If the pair of them had gotten together, I think that woulda been awesome. I mean, Aang and Toph's kids? Those two's kids would have to be the most epic people in the world, haha

When Lin came in to take Korra's side in dealing with Aman and the championship, I feel as though Tarlok was wayyy too quick to change his mind and position. I mean, it was like she walked in and he was all, YESH. I bet you he's working with Aman. That's why his task force was such a failure. And that's why he and Tenzin are always at odds with each other. Just you watch, he'll be with Aman one of these days ;D

That save had to be one of the most epic parts in the entire episode! I mean, Mako and Bolin basically can''t win a single thing without her. The save in the previous episode when she took down all three members of the other team completely on her own? That was simply ...Avatar-worthy. And this was totally awesome. I don't even know how the Fire Ferrets were functioning at ALL before she joined the team xD

This guy was such a loser. I mean, only people who don't believe in themselves to be better than the other team pay the refs to rig the game. And that was the worst kind of rigging I've ever seen! You'd think someone would throw the ref over after the first few things he didn't call and start calling them themselves. This team was playing dang dirty!

Which is why they completely deserved to get their powers taken away by this mask wearing loser. Aman is all like, hey, let's just crash the party, knock out amazing people like Tenzin and Lin (and OF COURSE, they'll wake up right as I'm flying through the roof) and then I'll take away the powers of the champions. So I guess it's actually a good thing the Wolfbats played so dirty. Otherwise that woulda been the Fire Ferrets getting their powers sucked right out of them.

When Lin and Korra start working together at then end, that was totally epic. They made a seriously amazing team! I loved when Lin had to choose between going after Aman and saving Korra. I mean, we all knew what she would have to choose, but it was just nice to see that she actually would choose saving Korra over her job. I thought that was totally awesome. Lin is a really cool character, and she's just soo much like her mother that I can't help loving her for being all hard and rough and stuff. That's what she was brought up with, it's no wonder it rubbed off on her a bit. Haha, okay, more than just a bit xP

Why is Mako so dang beautimus? And why in this world is he still with Asami? I thought she was going to be so awesome when she first came in on her little motorcycle. I called her as being an Azula or Mai-like//related character. But no, she's just this random rich girl that tried to have her 'daddy' buy the championship for them... I'd watch out, Mako, I bet she's with Tarlok and Aman xD

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Sunday, May 13, 2012

YJ :: Invasion ;; Alienated

This episode made my head twirl with everything totally and extremely insane that happened in it! I mean, I would feel much better right now not knowing where Kaldur was than knowing what happened to him. At least I can still imagine that Red Arrow, Artemis, and KF are somewhere on a secret mission... And I'm going to keep thinking Kaldur is undercover until the moment when he does something to prove me completely wrong. I will not accept what they have done to him.

I still can't believe what M'gann is dong to the Kroloteans! She's completely mind sucking them and ruining them! I mean, what kind of teenage super hero does something like that without caring one bit? And why was Superboy the only one looking at her with disgust? I mean, should J'onn and Bats have been worried about what she did to that thing? What if she turns and decides to do it to people? Conner's going to be able to say I-told-you-so if that ever happens!

I seriously fell in love with the four of these people being together and working together and fighting together and just about doing anything together. Forget the other mentor//apprentice teams in this episode, this team was the only one that even remotely mattered! They were so dang amazing and cooperative and everything together! Nightwing was all, number seven and Batgirl just hops on it and knows exactly what he's talking about. The four of these people could have taken down the entire building on their own if they wanted to. I love Batman for proving that he can be a hero without the use of mega-super-powers. And that he can train other people to do the same thing. I love the Bats.

Wonder Woman and Wondergirl made a seriously hilarious team! You'd think someone training under Wonder Woman wouldn't even have a chance at cracking jokes because Diana is always so dang seirous about everything. But you would be wrong, haha. I loved when Wonder Woman was all "A little less fangirl and a little more Wondergirl." That made me laugh to no end. But, I mean, the girl is fully capable of handling enemies, so I guess it's fine if she gets impressed by her teacher's abilities every now and then. And I mean, Diana is pretty impressive, so it make perfect sense, haha.

I loved when Superboy and Superman were fighting together! You can tell that since their coming to an understanding five years ago after the Savage incident, they've spent a lot of time together, talking and fighting. You can tell they've mended their relationship and are terribly extremely close now. Guess Bats was right all along. All Conner needed was a father figure to stop his rage-filled-ness. He's totally epic now, haha

Now, this pair of mentor and apprentice bugged me to no end. I mean, this episode was reminding me of the very first one when Batman, Flash, Aquaman, and Green Arrow went out ice-villain-fighting with Rob, KF, Kaldur, and Red. But now instead of KF and Flash there was Diana and Cassie. And instead of Robin there's the entire Bats Battalion. And instead of Kaldur there's...La'gann. As you can probably tell, I'm starting to like this guy less and less. It seems to me he can't do anything right. And when he calls M'gann 'angelfish'? *shudder*

I am beyond horrified with what they did to me beloved green eyed beauty. Kaldur was the single most (well, other than KF and Rob...) amazing guy on the Team throughout the entire course of season one. And now suddenly (well, I guess not suddenly since it's been five years...) he decides to join Black Manta against his best friends? There's no way the Kaldur I knew would ever do something like that! Though, while watching it, I kept getting the feeling he didn't exactly entirely want to do what he was doing. He told them about the bomb because he wanted them to get away, not because he was maliciously giving them the choice of saving themselves or catching him. He still cares about them because that was in his nature. He always cared so much about his friends. I simply can't believe that he would completely renounce them over something like a girl. (well, not just a girl. The love of his life). And she did die... I really wish we could have seen Aquagirl on the Team! That woulda been totally awesome! Anyways, I think later on Bats will be all, yeah, I sent Kaldur in on a secret mission. I really hope that happens. That would be the best. It would make my life so much happier if I knew that...

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

YJ :: Invasion ;; Earthlings

Honestly, I wasn't expecting a reason behind Conner and M'gann's issues so soon. I mean, I'm happy, don't get me wrong. I was dying not knowing what happened. But, it just seemed so sudden. I liked this episode because it showed that M'gann and Conner still have a chance of getting back together. And who doesn't love Beast Boy?

I thought Dr. Strange and Alanna were seriously the cutest thing ever. I mean, the two can't even speak the same language, and yet they found a way to fall in love with each other. I thought their relationship was so dang sweet and honest and cute. I mean, who doesn't love this kind of passion? I thought it was so cute when they could finally speak the same language and finally talk to each other!

Beast Boy has got to be one of the cutest people I've seen in a while. He is just such a little sweetheart! I absolutely fell in love with him for trying to get Conner and M'gann back together! I mean, that simply had to be one of the sweetest things any cute little boy could do. I love his innocence and his want to help everyone out. I think it makes him so dynamic and amazing <3 I was just kinda sad when M'gann got the little souvenir for him because it reminded me of Kid Flash and how he, along with Artemis and Red Arrow, are still MiA. I mean, when are my favorite people going to come back? Though after seeing the new episode and the way they brought Kaldur back, maybe I actually don't want them to come back any time soon...

This scene was simply touching. I love that he trusts her so much. I love that he calls her 'sis'. What I wonder, though, is why Queen Bee would want to kill his mother. I mean, she wasn't really that important, was she? I get that it would probably have been a good way to hurt M'gann since M'gann basically idolized her, but still. That just seems a little low for someone as high and mighty as Queen Bee. Well, I guess we'll just have to find out, now won't we?

The Zeta Team. I loved how M'gann and Conner had to go in without their symbols on their chests. They almost looked...incomplete without their insignia. I mean, Conner just looked like...any old kid. Obviously you can never mistake M'gann for anyone else with her green skin and whatnot. But yeah, it just felt really strange for some reason.

I love that we finally know why M'gann and Conner aren't together anymore, I'm just really depressed at the fact that it was something like...that... I mean, okay, M'gann has always been really obsessed with the way she looks because of all her white Martian issues, but come on. He can't help that he's never going to change appearance, it's not like he chose to be that way! You could deal with his looking like that seeing as how he dealt with your ugly white Martian face for months and didn't even bother telling you he knew! He knew and he still stuck with you because something like that didn't hardly matter to him! Conner is such a sweetie. The way he was talking about her, you could tell he still loves her. And when he was all, La'gann takes good care of her and she's happy so it's okay, I was dying. I mean, how can you have someone that amazing and let him go over something that trivial? My goodness, Conner, you are just too amazing for everyone...<3

I can't even begin to imagine how totally awkward this mission must have been for the pair of them, with their relationship and Gar trying to get them to get back together and everything that was going on... I loved the ending when Conner was holding her. I mean, it just gave me soo much hope about how they still have a chance at getting back together! I mean, they were like the most perfect couple in the entire universe. There's no way they can stay apart for long. They simply have to get back together. They don't even have an option in the matter. It just has to happen.

I don't exactly understand what M'gann did to the poor little Krolotean. It kinda looked like she just sucked his brain out... And then she just takes his little badge thing and hands it to Beast Boy as though nothing happened. I mean, she obviously did something really bad to that poor little thing, and the fact that she had no reaction to what she did just goes to show just how much she's managed to change in the past five years. The M'gann would never have risked hurting anyone, even a little creepy Krol.

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Friday, May 4, 2012

Black Butler ;; Episode 2 ;; His Butler, Strongest

I really liked this episode because it showed more about Ciel and Seb's relationship. It showed how they talk so calmly about such serious issues. And how they have code words (when he said woof) and Ciel knows Seb will always come for him, no matter what.

I loved Madame Red and Lau! Haha, they were both so dang hilarious. And Ciel was just sitting there with his impassive and unmoving face. I love that kid. I like Madame Red, she seems like an honest and kind aunt. I bet she's great for tempering Ciel's harsh demeanor. And Lau just made me laugh. I mean, I feel like he wasn't there for anything apart from that :P

In the third episode, Ciel tells Seb how he no longer knows how to smile. But in this episode he does smile, for Seb. I was seething at that drug dealer guy. I mean, what kind of sick jerk beats up a little twelve year old kid? What was wrong with him? Plus he was a complete loser and his men couldn't even shoot a lowly butler xD

I'm pretty sure I've fallen for Sebastian after only two episodes. I mean, he just ran after a car, caught them, placed them teetering over a cliff, threw them over, has to rescue his master, and as he walks away, the thing on his mind is DiNNER? He makes for one dang awesome butler, wouldn't you say so?

I loved the last scene! Seb was such a cutie for carrying Ciel all the way home. And then when the household comes out and calls Ciel all cute, he freaks out and is all, PUT ME DOWN. I love this kid. He thinks hes so much older than he really is. Which, in a way, he is. I mean, he's running an entire state at the age of twelve. That's got to be some major stress and burden, right?

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Black Butler ;; Episode 1 ;; His Butler, Able

So, I started watching this show yesterday, and I actually really like it thus far. It almost reminds me of Code Geass in a way. I mean, the contract thing, and then the eye thing. And Sebastian appears to be immortal, so you know, it seems like it. And since CG was one of my favorite anime ever, this has kept me ;D

So, I seriously fell in love with Sebastian. He is so cool with acting like a simply lowly butler, but being soo much more than that. I mean,an, he has serious amazing abilities. And I love how he's so calm and collected about everything. Even when the household's other people manage to ruin everything he had done, he's just all like, well, let's see what we can do about this in about the next five seconds. And then when he brings in the Italian tea to Ciel I loved how they were talking in code about the guy and Seb was all, sorry it's so weak and Ciel was like, I don't like it at all. Which was like the cue for Seb to go and take care of their guest, haha.

I really liked Ciel, too. He was just too calm and cool for a little, what, twelve year old? I mean, he's just talking to this guy from the company about granting more money. No big deal. Haha, he was just too cool. I loved how he forced the guy to finish the game in order to find out what all Seb would do to him after they found out he was only trying to get money out of Ciel...

Things got pretty dang creepy when he started seeing the ghosts! I was watching with my little sister, and she got freaked out :P Poor guy, shouldn't have tried to mess with Ciel Phantomhive. And when Seb stuck him in the oven and then took some pie out for Bard and Finny, I seriously thought he had cooked the guy! I was all, seriously? Haha, but then he was running away at the end, so I was all, okay, at least these people don't cook people and feed them to their household workers xD

Baldroy made me laugh. I loved how he was all, hey, let's make everything perfect for Seb so he gets taken by surprise! And then the trio manage to ruin everything and Seb has to fix more than he would have before they got involved :P And I love how even though Baldroy is supposed to be the cook, Seb is always the one making things xD

I love how even though Finnian is supposed to be the gardener, he's never outside xD He just stays with the other two and does whatever they're doing xD And then I loved how he BURNED the entire fields in a matter of, like, five minutes, after Baldroy told them to fix everything to be perfect xP

And then, Mey-Rin. Okay, this girl makes me laugh. From her glasses to her voice to her clumsiness... Everything about her is so dang hilarious xD I loved how she was trying to poor the glass for Damian while Seb was watching and missed the glass completely and then Seb expertly removed the entire cloth from under everything and apologized so perfectly. I love that guy right now, heheh

Didn't entirely understand this character... So he's a little cartoon that lives with them and Seb lets him do whatever he wants to? Haha, he just always pops up randomly drinking his tea... This guy is very strange...xD

Overall, I really like the show right now. I thought it was a good beginning episode that introduced the members of the household pretty well and did a good job of showing how amazing Seb is and how calm and collected young Master Ciel happens to be. Can't wait to follow the rest of the show. 

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Legend of Korra ;; The Voice in the Night

I'm really warming up to this show. I mean, it'll never hold as much esteem in my heart as Avatar the Last Airbender did, but it's definitely a close second. It'd be awesome if we could get some grandchildren of the characters in the original show that are Korra's age that could join her group, you know? I think that'd be dang awesome... Anyways, on to this episode :]

I thought Tenzin's showdown with Tarrlok was pretty awesome, haha. Even if he did end up losing, he knew how to fight his cases. Those other three council members were dumb to side against the son of the former Avatar. Aang was awesome, and his son is worthy of as much, I' sure.

Poor Korra. Having nightmares of someone as creepy scary as Aman has got to be tough. Poor girlie. Though, I feel as Aang never once had nightmares about anything. Not even anyone in the Fire Nation. He was one hard rock. And always ready for a challenge. 

I seriously loved the scene when Korra denied Tarrlok. I was clapping for Tenzin! I was all, Tenzin ;; ONE. Tarllok ;; ZERO. Haha, even if Korra didn't even do it for Tenzin, I still felt as though he was the one winning a battle against Tarrlok, not Tarrlok losing one with Korra. Yeah, it's always all about the adults, no isn't it?

I felt like Korra gave in to Tarrlok too easily under the scrutiny of the reporters. And then she was way too quick to challenge Aman to a showdown. I mean, what exactly was she planning? That she would be able to take him down just like that even when no one else had been able to stop him from what he was doing? Sometimes she's just way too reckless. And then I try to think about Aang and how he always rushed into things without thinking them through. But I feel as though Aang was always better about things than Korra is. Aang journeyed with the guilt of failing the entire Air Nation. Korra was raised in a spoiled and luxurious life with everyone doing exactly what she wanted. She thinks she's better than she really is.

And she got taken way too easily. I mean, she didn't even REMOTELY put up a fight! She just kind of got taken and then stared at him. Had he not had his own plans, he would have taken the AVATAR's power right then and there. Come on, Korra, you're fouling up the memory of Avatar Aang with your incompetence! 

When Mako first ran into Asami, I was SO certain she was Zuko or Azula's daughter or granddaughter. SO SURE. And then she went and told him how she was the loser bratty rich kid daughter of the inventor of cars. I mean, really? How much lamer can you get? And now she's funding the Ferrets. Just watch, she is SO going to end up being evil or have some kind of ulterior motive. I bet she's working for Aman or something along those lines. There's no way Mako could have stumbled upon an honest and generous rich kid. Besides, he has to get with Korra!

I loved when she finally admitted her fears of Aman! It just made her so much stronger. I mean, now she isn't just the full-of-herself Avatar she started out as. Now she's the girl who admitted she was scared. The girl who knows now she'll finally be able to overcome her fear. The girl who Aman spared because he has bigger plans. Can't wait to see what exactly those plans are!

{~credit where credit is deserved~}