Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood {{Roy Mustang}}

Roy Mustang. The Flame Alchemist. Colonel Mustang. Hero of Ishval. 

Roy makes my life. He was so strong and bold and determined. The things he did for the ones he loved were simply remarkable. No matter how cold or uncaring he may have appeared, no commander could care more about his subordinates and no friend could care more. He was so focused and determined that he would never let anyone get in his way, but he would always go out of his way to save anyone he could. 
I preferred his Brotherhood representation because it was just more...him. In FMA he just kinda forgets about Maes Hughes in his quest to find the homunculi and destroy them, but in Brotherhood he chases them because he wanted to find Maes' killer. And when he does, he was ready to give everything else up simply to avenge his best friend's death. That's what I loved about him. 
He rather went kind of crazy going after Envy in those sewers, but I thought that just showed his resolve. He killed Lust with the same level of hatred and need to destroy what was evil. He just went a tad bit overboard with Envy. Riza was right, had he done it, there would have been no going back. It was cold blooded murder. Though, why that was such a big deal still doesn't make sense. I mean, Roy killed Lust in cold blooded murder, and Riza, Roy, Maes, Armstrong, they all killed in the Ishvalan War of Extermination. And those were iNNOCENTS. Envy DESERVED death. So why not allow Roy to do what he set out to do?
Anyways, moving away from that, now ;D 

Roy and Riza. They made my life. They were like that power couple. Neither relied on the other for anything other than support. They could each deal with the worst on their own. And they were so cute while they did it, too! They see each other as equals on the battlefield and trust each other with their lives. Riza has been given the right to shoot Roy down if he ever moves away from the right path because of how her father taught him and his secrets are burned onto her back. They share a connection that could ever be broken and that has evolved past a simple professional level to a more intimate one. Riza would never imagine leaving him and he likewise would never do anything to upset or endanger her. When her safety ever comes into question, he would do anything to protect her. Like when the Gold Toothed Doctor nearly killed her, Roy would have easily given in and given up anything for her life had he not seen her sign. And then after he goes blind, when they come out and Riza is telling him where to shoot, that was simply amazing. EVen without his sight, as long as he still has her, he will go on fighting.. <3

Roy was just simply amazing. Haha. His relation with Edward Elric makes me laugh. Because they obviously both respect each other, yet they both tend to go out of their way to annoy the other. In the end though, they both know they can trust each other with anything. After all, they both have near impossible goals, why not work together? xD

Roy Mustang rocks the world of Fullmetal Alchemist//Brotherhood. He's awesome wherever he is.  And he would make the perfect Fuhrer. Which is why I liked the ending of Brotherhood better. I mean, in FMA he goes off to that remote place with one eye and becomes a loser? How lame. In Brotherhood he is reading up on everyone and wants to protect everyone and create peace. Between him in Amestris and Ling Yao in Xing, there are happy days ahead for the world. (:

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thundercats ;; Episode 13 ;; Between Brothers

Not only did Tygra manage to prove that he was all good all the time, he also got Cheetara!!
So, I had had my doubts about this episode, thinkingthat mayeb they'd end up actually turning Tygra evil or something. But the episode did not dissapoint. It did exactly what I thought and hoped it would. It had Tygra prove to Lion-O that he was always on his side [the story about how he ran to their father for help ight after pushing him in was ADORABLE]. And it gave Tygra Cheetara, FiNALLY. I was so happy that shewent with him, because after everything she's dne with and said to Lion-O I actually wasn't sure she'd end up going for the sweet little tiger that looked after her while she waited for Jaga.
May I also point out how awesome Tygra was wih hs Sowrd of Omens and how he was wooping Lion-O BUTT? Haha, even with a fake sword made out of his pent up anger and rage, Tygra still managed to beat the future prince. I feel like he only fought with Lion-O in this scene because he needed to get his anger out and it was the perfect time to do so. Not because he was seriously blinded by rage. But that might just be his lover talking ;D
This last scene, I was so ready for it.
When Auburn, or Anet, or whatever the big elephant's name was, tells Lion-O that the bell hasn't rung yet, I was all, oh SNAP. Tygra's gonna get with Cheetara FOR SURE.
And I was so ang happy about it. And she was so dang sweet about it. Having kept the flower core all that time. That was ADORABLE. And so super SHWEET.
They make one SHYA-DORABLE couple <3
I felt bad for poor wittle Lion-O a tweensy bit... But he can get over himself. He seriously gets everything. He can let his brother win this one time.
I hope he doesn't bring up later and just lets the pir of them be happy together.
Though, knowng Lion-O...he's gonna wanna fight his brother for his lady.

Can't wait for the next episode.
March 2nd?
What EVEN?
That's simply torturous.
Plus thefact that Young Justice and Clone Wars isn't coming on either...
What am I supposed to watch in my two weeks of winter breakk? xP

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Young Justice ;; Secrets

This last episode seemed rather pointless in the scheme of things since the whole point was to get some information out of Artemis, yet she still refuses to tell anyone anything of her past.
I liked the triple thing that was going on in this episode. From Artemis and Zatanna's night in the city to Conner, M'gann, and Wally's Halloween party, to Batman and the crew's meeting.
Harm was a little weirdo in my opinion.
I mean, what kind of guy can kill his little sister just to be able to wield that weird sword? Poor little Secret...

I love how they had this Halloween episode so dang late xD
And I love how real looking Conner's costume was. I mean, totally a mummy, right? I love when the other guy was all, burn victim? Like, you know your costume is bad when people have to ask who you're supposed to be xP
M'ganna nd Wally did pretty good, though. I loved when they pulled the prank on the kid from school and M'gann turned into what's-his-name, the martian from Looney Tunes xDxD
And Zatanna and Artemis had pretty cute outfits, too, you know, until they decided to ditch the party without even bothering to tell M'gann they werne't coming xP
Captain Marvel made me laugh with wanting to go with them...That guy....I get that he's a little kid, but come on, act your age when you're in Captain Marvel form, would you? He makes me laugh. I don't even know why he's still with them, though, since Red Tornado is back now.

Okay, and then this mole meeting made my day [like the alliteration there?]. I mean, these are the people Batman trusts. I get why Robbie and Kaldur were there. But why Red Arrow? I get that he's been important and all, but the guy isn't even a part of their team anymore! And then, why in this world would you bring in Red Tornado? I mean, I get that he's good now, but there's still the slight chance that someone could still be using him! And why is Black Canary not there? If the Reds get to be there, I think Canary should as well. She is a very important part of this team ;D
I love how Robin nearly blurted out who Artemis was really related to and Batman's all, secret identities xD I love Robin and Batman for knowing everything ;]

I thought this was a pretty good episode and can not wait for the next one (:

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Thundercats ;; Episode 12 ;; Into the Astral Plane

I really liked this last episode because it had so much Tygra screen time ;D
I felt so dang bad for my wittle tiger kitty! I mean, he's liked Cheetara since they were little kids and she's going to choose Lion-O over him? Like, how in this world can ANYONE like the over-confident Lion-O over the super suave and awesome and amazing Tygra? Tygra's better at everything. His only fault is that he knows it ;)
Cheetara and Tygra as little kids were simply adorable <3 When he gives her the flower, I was like, awh, you are SUCH a sweetie! I felt so bad for him when Jaga finally elts her in and he goes over and the flower was crushed. It was like she had just forgotten him in an instant. And it seems like she hasn't remembered since, seeing as how they are traveling together and I would never have thought that they had ever met before then.
I thought it was so cute when Jaga lets her in. He was all, maybe you do have patience after all <3 And she so had that speed thing down. Who kicks a little orphan girl out just because she messes one thing up? I mean, how heartless could that guy have been??

These two as little kits made my day. They were simply adorable.
I loved seeing the past as a double storyline going with the current episode. It was nice background information that helped justify Tygra's resaoning for being jealous of Lion-O.
I mean, if your little brother got to be king, got the Sword of Omens, AND got the girl you've liked for so long I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like them either. xD
I mean, did Lion-O really have to jokingly say how he got the Sword and would get Cheetara as well? Come on, Lion-O, can't you see how much your brother can't stand you? And then when Tygra goes through the doorway and the elephant dude tells Lion-O he will soon know a betrayal from his brother the likes of which he never has before and Lion-O scoffs and goes, we may have rivalries, but we're still brothers. I was just kind of like, seriously? Tygra looks after you despite everything you do and you don't even realize that the way you treat him might lead him to betray you?
I mean, Lion-O just takes his epicc brother for granted. What even.
I really hope the betrayal isn't Tygra turning bad or something, because that would just make me so dang angry.
I really can't wait for tomorrow's episode. I am so excited to see how things unfold.
Is it really the season finale? Because that would just breakk my heart. Only thirteen episodes and it's going to end with Tygra's betrayal??

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Monday, November 21, 2011

Digimon Adeventure

So, I finally finished watching Digimon Adventure ;D Still got a way to go before I rewatch everything ;P
Anyways, on to DiGiMON ADVENTURE. (:

TAiCHi 'TAi' KAMiYA ;; Tai. Agumon. Crest of Courage. I love this kid. He is so strong and loyal, confident and courageous, intelligent and very leader-like. He takes command right off the bat and never backs down. No matter who he's up against, be it Myotismon or Matt, he won't back down. He is confident in his abilities and often works Agumon hard to protect his friends. He trusts his friends no matter. When Matt and Sora were going through mid-life crises, Tai was standing strong, ready to defend his friends at the cost of his and Agumon's safety. Tai grows and learns things throughout the series. He matures from his rash and immature beginning self to his strong-willed and intelligent ending self. And let's not forget dearest Agumon. He is such a little cutie. Always there for Tai, and always got a joke up his sleeve. If ot for him, I don't think Tai would have matured the way he did. Agumon helped him grow every bit as much as the entire experience. Agumon was so cool with his warp digivolution ;D

YAMATO 'MATT' iSHiDA ;; Matt. Gabumon. Crest of Friendhsip. Matt is probably one of my favorites. He goes through so many mind crises through the series and is so much stronger for it. He doesn't have nearly as much confidence in himself as does Tai. But that doesn't mean anything. He's just as resourceful and loyal and kind. I love that he has the crest of friendship because you really couldn't ask for a nicer or cooler friend. Gabumon helps him out in all of his crises, and that makes him such an adorable little furball. Mat and his relationship with TK is so adorable. You'd be hardpressed to find a brother who cares so dang much about his little sibling. I felt so bad for Matt in the scene when TK comes back from fighting Puppetmon all by himself and acts like he doesn't need matt anymore. Poor baby <3 And when that darkness comes to consume him? I wa slike, NOOO. Haha, I love this kid and his harmonica playing (:

SORA TAKENOUCHi ;; Sora. Biyomon. Crest of Love. Sora is like the mother of all the Digi-destined. She loves them like they're all her little kiddies ;D She is such a little sweetie, wanting to care for and protect everyone. Her and Biyomon made one of the cutest pairs. Biyomon was one of my favorite Digimon. She was such a little sweet cutsie little birdie <3 Sora and her mom's relationship made me sad when she first talked about it, but then when her mother helps protect her when Myotismon comes to the real world, I was like, awh, sweetie! And when Sora is about to be consumed by the darkness because she thought she had failed to protect everyone, I felt so bad for her. And when Tai goes away back to the real world and the gang splits up and Sora goes around helping everyone without they're knowing it was her? That was simply the sweetest little thing she could have ever done. She was a real team player and totally amazing besdies :D

KOUSHiRO 'iZZY' iZUMi ;; Izzy. Tentomon. Crest of Knowledge. Izzy is such a little cutie. Even though he's the same age as Tai and the others, he's so much smaller and cuter ;D He and Tentomon can easily make my day whenever they want to ;) They are hilarious and so much fun to be around. Tentomon is so hilarious because he's like Izzy, and then he's totally different at the same time. Tentomon seems to have more of a sense of need to help their friends than Izzy himself does ;] And Izzy's crest? I don't think any of their's personify their owner as much as Izzy's does. I love how Izzy uncodes things in seconds and then knows how to utilize all the information he gets ;D And how he emails Gennaii. I always found it so funny how Gennaii's emails would come at simply the perfect times to help Izzy out and all. And I loved how Izzy carried his laptop around with him everywhere and just plugged it in and started typing things out and uncoding and all.... He makes my life. He is such a little cutie.

JOE KiDO ;; Joe. Gomamon. Crest of Reliability. Joe was pretty out there and always thinking about how things affected him, but his crest was right on in calling him reliable. He was always there for his friends. No matter what the cost to himself, he always placed everyone else's needs before his. Like when TK fell into the water and he dived down to save him even though he could swim either? That's Ol' Reliable for ya. And when Mimi decides she wants to split from the group to go off on her own for a bit and he volunteers to stay with her? I was like, awh, such a cutie and what a gentleman <3 He is simply wondermus. And let's not forget valiant little Gomamon. I love this kid. I mean, just look at him in the picture xD He is such a little adoraball, putting up with Joe's perks and helping him get through everything. Always wanting to help. Like when Piedmon turns Jow into a keychain and Sora sends TK and Kari away along with Gomamon, he turns back and wants to fight at her side even though he wouldn't be able to digivolve without Joe. I love him <3 And Joe's perks. I love each and every one of them. He makes me laugh so dang hard xP

MiMi TACHiKAWA ;; Mimi. Palmon. Crest of Sincerity. I absolutely ADORE this fun-loving, quirky, wacky little girl. She is seriously the life of the party. No matter how much of a mama's girl or princess she acts like, she is ready to stand up for what she believes in. Though, I kinda think the story would have fit a little better if it had been Matt who brought all their old friends to help fight, seeing as how his is the crest of friendship and all, you know? I thought sincerity worked for Mimi, though, because she was always speaking her mind and never meant for anything to be rude, she was just sincere and honest in what she was saying. Palmon really was a sweetie though. she was never as high falootant and extravagant as Mimi was, but she always dealed with her tamer's quirks and never spoke out against her. I was kinda mad at Palmon for hiding at the very end when Mimi and the others had to elave with that nonsense about not saying good bye. I was glad she got sane and ran to catch up with the train in the end though <3

TAKERU 'T.K.' TAKAiSHi ;; TK. Patamon. Crest of Hope. I love this cute little kid. He is adorable, and sweet, and loving, and optimistic, and ADORABLE. Did I mention he's a cutie? He and Patamon make the SUPER CUTE TEAM. I love them. TK oozes hope, so his crest is perfect for him ;D He's such a cute little brother for Matt. So sweet and caring. He's strong, too. Tell him to do something, and he'll make sur eit gets done, no matter what. And smart. Put him up against Puppetmon on his own, and see how he trashes that baby's house ;D And he's so dang independent. Even though Matt doesn't want him to grow up and be on his own, the experience in the Digital World kind of brought on his growth sooner than normal. He matured and is ready to take on the world and knows how to take care of himself. He is such a little cutie <3

HiKARi 'KARi' KAMiYA ;; Kari. Gatomon. Crest of Light. Yeah, I do tend to unintentionally leave the best of last ;D Kari is one of my all time favorite DigiDestineds. She is such a cutie and a sweetie. And let's not foget the fact that Gatomon is my second favorite Digimon of all time ;] Gatomon is so dang cool for growing up on her own, for working under Myotismon, for being a digivolution ahead of everyone else, for being strong enough to oppose her 'master', and for being so dang awesome ;D And Kari is such a little cutie. I don't like how she always gets sick, though. It makes her look like a little wimp, and we can't have that coming from Queen Kari, now can we? ;) She's so sweet, and honest, and kind, and caring. She loves everyone and always does things for them rather than herself. Like how when Tai was talking about how it wasn't her who had wanted to come to the DigiWorld, it was everyone else. And she had only come because they needed her to, not at all because she had any inclination to want to. I lvoe this kid <3

And I love this show. I loved watching it again because it brought back so many memories and made me so happy (:
On to Digimon Adventure O2, eh? ;D

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Vampire Diaries ;; Season Three ;; Episode Nine ~Homecoming~

This episode seriously blew my mind. The amount of things these producers were able to do to this show before the season break. MY GOSH.
Let me just start by saying how much I love being right ;) One second clip in the promo of Nina Dobrev with curls and I totally called that our lovely Katerina was going to make a comeback ;D I've loved Kat from the start, and her being so easily and lamely killed by Michel after surviving so much had made me so angry! And so I was very much hoping all weekk that it would be her and not just Elena all curled up for Homecoming. Before Mike stabbed her I seriously thought it was just El and I was really angry xP But as soon as he stabbed her, I was cheering my head off because thre was no way he would ever have stabbed El without Damon popping out with the special dagger and killing him instead of Klaus xD
Speaking of the magic dagger, hat had to be LAMEST thing in the ENTiRE show. Klaus and Rebekah have been running from this guy for a THOUSAND years and now Klaus was able to kill him in TWO SECONDS? Like, what in the world?? I wasSO mad at Stefen for ruining Damon's brilliantly thought out plan! 
Though, when Kat admits that it was her idea and only because otherwise Damon would have died...But STiLL. Klaus could have been KiLLED and Kat could've thrown the wolfsbane grenade like she did ANYWAYS. Kill thse stinking hybrids...
You know, other than lovely Tyler, who has been getting on my nerves as of late. I mean, I get the whole 'sired' thing, but seriously dude. FiGHT HiM. Let go of your weird siredness! Fight Klaus for the sake of the woman of your dreams! I was soo mad at him when he stabbed Caroline. Though when it turnedout itwas only to protect her, I was all, oh, okay, that's alright then ;) I felt SO bad for him when Care turns him down at the end. Because it's true, she was there for him through everything. And that's asking a lot of just one little vampire girl. She went through your transformations, your rudeness, your everything. And now you're asking her to deal with the fact that you are sired to her best friend's enemy? Sorry, but that's a little too much to ask of one teenage girl, if you askk me.
I felt so bad for Bonnie and her boy problems. because she couldn't even talk to Elena about it. She was right, Jermy is just El's little brother, that's an entirely different thing from being your boyfriend ho cheated on you with his dead girlfriend. It wasa tough spot for Jermy, too, because it wasn't like they were his dead EX-girlfriends, they had both very much still been his girlfriend when they died. That makes the entire situation so much more difficult for him, and I get that. But when you have someone as amazing as Bonnie, why would you even risk losing her for someone you can't even quite POSSiBLY be with? Jermy's a loser and I hope he gets run over bythat car we saw in the promo for the next episode.
 I felt soo bad for Becca! Poor dear, all excited for her first highschool dance and Elena comes in all sweet with her mother's necklace and lets her have it and everything is so nice and cozy and BAM. Literal back tabbing. I was soo mad at El! I mean, I don't like Becca much either, but lately her life has been so terrible, and getting stabbed probably didn't help things along. Especially since she had just worked with them and had lied to the only family she's known for a thousand years. Poor dear...I felt so bad for the poor dear... I wonder what she had been trying to say when she told El not to trust Mike. I mean, it seems rather pointless now, since Mike died anyways... He wasn't planning on turning on them, though, was he? I mean, he needed Stef and Day in order to get to Klaus...
Elena and Damon at the end. <3 When she tells him they can let go of Stefen, I was like GO YOU GUYS. You know, until I found out Stef and Kat had done it all for Damon... I don't know, the entire thing was so dang complicated. Because Day and El were finally ready to let go of the nuisance that Stef had become, yet now he actually iS good... And then Mike is now dead, along with the magic dagger that burst into flames and for some reason didn't kill Klaus EVEN THOUGH Dmon had it in his chest for a good MiNUTE. I will never understand that... And now the lovely Stef has Klaus's family xD I was so happy about that xP I really hope Elijah comes back soon....

I cannot believe we have to wait until JANUARY to get the next episode! That is like torture....xD

{~creit where credit is deserved~}


Young Justice ;; Disordered

I really liked this latest episode of Young Justice.
I'm not a big fa of Connor, but he kept my attention, and I felt bad for him at the end of the episode. He always comes off as raw and uncivilized because of his time in his pod, but in this episode we see he really does have feelings [to be Superman] and he is able to feel bad about someof those feelings [being happy when all of his friends were either dead or traumatized].
I liked his time with the New Genesis people, it showed him how other teams work, how close and inimate they get [becoming Infinity Man].
I thought the whole thing with Sphere being an actually creature for the new Genesians was pretty cool. And I liked that they let Connor keep it. Connor and his pets make me laugh. Wolf an Sqphere...such original names xD
Connor with his pets, KF with his souveniers, and Rob with his words xP
Which reminds me, Wally hasn't gotten a souneier since the gorilla's hat way back when, right? And Robin hasn't made a word pun in the LONGEST time ...
I absolutely ADORED Black Canary as counselor for the team!
She's been one of my favorite DC characters for the longest time, and I was so happy when she became the team's trainer. But we hadn't been seeing much of her lately, nd this episode was full of her and her heping the kids, so I loved it ;D
She was so dang sweett to help everyone out. And I loved that they were all willing to tell her. They all truste her with their secrets, trusted her to help them <3

Artemis with her tough girl approach to everything....<3 I love that Canary wants her to share her secrets with the team. And I love that she knws what those secrets are and Artemis is all 'you can't tell them!' I don't know why, but I loved that scene. I guess because Canary and Arrow are together and she's all, heheh, you aren't really my boyfriend's niece xD

Wally with his denial xD That had to be one of the most hilarious scenes in this episode. She's all, I think you're in denial. And he's all, I'm good with that xP I love Wally, he is the most epic little smart kid out there xP Like, you wouldn't even think he was a super genius when looking at his character xD

Kaldur made me laugh even thoug he didn't mean o. He goes through all of his teammates and lists off why each of them can't be elader in his place. And I mean, he's trying so hard to be sincere, but come on, he's justifying why he should be leader... I love him to death, but seriously...xD He iS the perfect leader for them, though. You know, apart from little ol' Robbie <3

Robin's confession was the cutest of all. He admits he always wanted to be Batmna, yet when the time came to take the ol' Bat's place, he couldn't do it. He was leader, and he led his friends to their deaths. He can't give his all for the mission the way batman can. And that can be a good or bad thing. It means he cares about his teammates. It also means that when the time comes, he'll place their safety above the success o the mission. Good and bad. I love this kid <3

So, I often can't stand M'gann. She's annoying, she's dating Connor [when they SHOULD have brought i a Wondergirl for him], she...igh. I don't even know. Just everything about her bugs me to no end. She's too....sweett xP Haha. Anyways, what I could not, for the life of me, understand, was why she freaked out when Canary pointed out she had turned white. And why did she turn white anyways? And when she noticed it, why didn't she change back? These are the questions that haunt me at night....xD
Connor and Canary at the very end...That was sweett. You can tell Conor's getting the most out of this moher figure, from learning how to get his butt handed to him, to learning how to talkk about his feelings. It was so sweet when she reaches out to put her hand on his knee. Though at first I totally thought she was going to give him a hugg. hat woulda been even cuter. Though, I guess it wouldn't have entirely fit with Canary's mach-woman image, now would it have? ;D

{~credit where credit is deserved~}
