Saturday, April 28, 2012

Thundercats ;; Episode 19 ;; The Pit

I really kind of liked this episode. I liked the idea of Lion-O not being the amazing kind that everyone's been thinking of him as. And I finally got the answer to one of my on-going questions ;; Did everyone in Thundera just DIE? Haha, they never bothered to say what happened to everyone. The six of them were just calling themselves the only survivors of the attack, and I was just like, that's can't quite possibly be true!

I loved how Panthro was all buddy-buddy with Dobo even though they through insults at each other at first xD I loved their history together! That was such a cute story about how they fought through all those enemies together. I felt so bad for Dobo when he talked about how he woke up one morning to find Panthro had escaped without him. At first I figured, what else would Panthro have done? He had to get back to Thundera. But when Panthro told Dobo about how he had found out their next match was going to be against each other, I was just like, awh, Panthro, you DO have feelings! Haha, they were sweet (:

Haha, Kit and Kat's experiences with the little klepto-Raccon were so funny! I loved how they were all, we know everything there is to know about pick pocketing! And then he completely fools them and even in the end he gets away with their stuff xD

Okay, so I completely fell in love with Pumyra. Her first scene with taking down that huge robot thing? That was so awesome! And then when Lion-O goes in to save her and she gets all mad at him (and manages to get him caught as well ;)) made her so mysterious, with why she would be mad at him when they don't even know each other. And then her story about how all the remaining cats were sold into slavery and there was no king to come to save them. I loved how she was willing to fight her kind even though he was, you know, the king. And the way Lion-O refused to fight her. That showed that he actually is a fit king. The fact that he would never raise his hand (claw, paw?) against one of his own people (cats). And then the moment when they both stopped fighting...

And Dobo was, you've both earned my respect and I set you free. I really liked him. He was one super cool dog. Also, I loved the idea of the City of Dogs because otherwise we only ever see the cats as having an entire city//kingdom type of things. Well, I guess we saw the elephants. And the bearbill nonsense things xD But still, this was way better, haha.

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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