Saturday, April 28, 2012

Thundercats :: Episode 18 ;; Survival of the Fittest

I loved seeing where the kits came from! Their past was so dang cute <3 And I loved how Panthro was all, MEN VS. WOMEN, MUHAHAHA. That was pretty dang awesome ;D I bet Cheetara would have won had Kit and Kat not gotten in both their ways. Cheetara's better at everything tan everyone else ;] She was such a sweetie with Kit (:

Panthro and Kat were such cuties. He's all big and strong, and Kat's all small and fluffy and cute (: I loved how Kat let the ...big blue thing... get away! That was so cute! Haha, Panthro would probably have killed him if he wasn't so sweet and cute... I love Kat <3

And then, Cheetara and Kit were such cuties, too! Cheetara is such a sweetie, having to teach how to kill. Didn't seem to mix, haha. And Kit was just as cute as Kat. It's like, they both went through such a harsh and terrible childhood, and yet they both turned out as these really sweet and loving cats that can't even imagine trying to take the life of another living creature if they don't have to.

They had such a sweet little family! I could barely watch the first scene with them without thinking that somehow this adorable little family was going to HAVE to be broken in order for Kit and Kat to have left! And they had two little siblings, too! That was just...heart-breaking. And their mother was such a sweetie, too <3

Their mother literally broke my heart in the scene after the father died. She was so cute and sweet and nice and loving and...just, ahh. I couldn't even... my goodness, the love of a mother. And they were all, What will you eat? And she was all, Watching you eat is filling me up enough. I was just like, my GOODNESS. How could something so tragic happen to such a sweet and cute and adorable little family??

They were so cute when they decided to leave! I mean, what kind of little kittens have thoughts like that? And which ones actually go through with it? I just wonder what Mother and Siblings are like right now. I mean, it had obviously been a while since they left, so where's the fam now? I hope they go back to their family at the end of the series, or something. That would be such a cute little reunion!! <3

I thought this was a really cute little filler episode. Because, I mean, who hasn't ever wondered where the kits came from? Why they were living alone on the streets of Thundera? <3

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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