Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thundercats :: Episode 17 ;; Native Son

I really liked this episode! I love Tygra and absolutely loved this episode about his past and everything <3 He's so much better than Lion-O. He was born as a prince AND got adopted into being another prince ;D

His father was so sweet and nice and caring and....proud. I love that he broke his promise to the evil spirits and let Tygra go to save him. And then when Tygra was all, I think I'm going to stay here, he had to act like he didn't love his son! That was one of my favorite scenes because you could see the anguish in Javan's eyes, but he wasn't going to back down because he cared so much about protecting his son <3 And then when he exploded out to stop his generals or whatever from killing his son? That was pure epic-ness. He was so dang awesome for saving Tygra <3

I felt so bad for my poor Tygra. The scenes from his past just made me want to cry! His mother was so sweet looking! And she was all, the Gods have blessed us! And Claudus was all, sure, let's raise a tiger! And they raised such a cute adorable wondermus tiger and told him he was going to be the prince. When she finds out she's actually pregnant and nearly calls Tygra prince, I was ready to cry! That was so dang sad!! And then when she dies and he's all, I love the two most important things in my life that day...<3 I kind of felt bad to Lion-O because he was the reason Tygra lost those things xP

I couldn't believe that the tigers all were technically dead. I mean, Tugra finally finds a place where he belongs, a family he could be a part of, a place where he could finally be king, and everyone is a bunch of ghosts... I felt so bad for Tygra when he asks Lion-O why he seems destined to always lose everything he cares about... But then their little brother bonding moment at the end was so cute! I absolutely loved how Lion_o responds by telling him he'll never lose his brother <3 I can only ever deal with Lion-O when he's being nice to Tygra ;D 

To me it seems as though Lion-O displays more pride than Tygra... Even though pride is supposed to be the tigers' thing. I mean, look at how kind and caring Tygra is. Right in front of Lion-O he admits that he lost everything when Lion-O was born, he admits that he wants to stay here. And yet he never once shows any anger toward Lion-O {excpet when Lion-O refuses to be happy for him}. I mean, who could ask for a brother better than Tygra? He is the epitome of AWESOME BiG BROTHER. <3

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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