Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Vampire Diaries ;; Season Three ;; Episode Fifteen ~ All My Children

So, can we begin by wondering why ALL of Esther's children were endowed with being truly beautiful other than Fin? I mean, poor kid. Having to live with all those other gorgeous young men and looking so...igh. Haha, sorry about that xD

Kol, I thought was a total cutie...Right up until he tried to kill Matt. And even then I thought he was totally epic since personally I don't find Matt to be all that important. I mean, remember at the very beginning of the episode when Matt was all, 'Oh, all /I/ have to worry about tomorrow is going to the Grill while /you/ deal with your vampire issues'. I mean, could you BE any more unsympathetic? It would be very difficult.

I mean, I guess you COULD be Stefen Salvatore. Because if you were him, you'd have to be very uncaring and generally RUDE right now. I mean, what kind of brother is that rude? What kind of guy who WANTS to get back with a girl is that mean? Get over yourself, Stef. YOU made Elena hate you, now you just have to deal with it.Why can't you just LET Damon be happy for once? I mean, the world does NOT revolve around you and your beautiful face....xD

Okay, then we move on to Klaus. WHAT A CUTiE. If you had asked me when Klaus first came into the show if I could ever learn to like him, I would have told you NO right away. And even until now that was the truth. I never liked him. I felt myself inching toward liking him when he saved Caroline and left her the bracelet. That was the first time we ever saw that he even HAD a heart. Haha. And he DOES. He 'fancies' Care! How dang cute is that? I feel bad for Care though, since she still love Tyler, and he's trying SO hard to get un-sired to be with her! It's a tough spot to be in, two totally epic guys vying for your love...

Then we have Fin. Why in the world is he so ready to go along with Mumsie's plans? I mean, I get that he's been around for so long and probably doesn't feel like living any longer...but doesn't he know she'll just kill them all and probably become all powerful and take over the world or something like that? She can't be trusted. She's an evil witch who deserved to have been killed by her son... Though, at least she DOES want to kill Klaus. I thought she really was good and forgave him and all, and I was like, NOO.

I thought it was so cute how El came in on both thier arms. But at the same time I was all, come on, girl, iT'S TiME TO MAKE UP YOUR MiND. Like seriously. She's on Day's side one second, and Stef's the next. AND WHAT SHE SAiD TO DAY? I was like, NO WAY, StinkEl, you did NOT. Poor Day-baby.... He was just being a sweetie and he got dissed by both his brother AND lover. I mean, one man can only take so much nonsense until he goes over the edge. His attacking Kol was TOTALLY justified. The thing at the end with Becca? Not so much....xD

Speaking of darling Rebekah.... I feel like they should have shown more of her with dearest Mumsie since she was the one that always cared oh-so-much about losing their mother. HER AND MATT. How cute was that? Just like Klaus, she surprised us all by HAViNG A HEART. Who knew she could ever care about a human? And Matt, no less! Maybe she'll turn him into a vampire and he'll finally be useful xD

Nina Dobrev looked soooo pretty in her wondermus dress!!! And I absolutely LOVED how she chose to dance with Day first! He looked so happy...<3 Ian Somerhalder's a cutie, too, haha :D

On to my love. ELiJAHHH. I love this man. To no end. I waited sooo long hoping for him to come back! When he did I seriously jumped and twas sooo happy!! And this episode made him even better! He was the 'moral' one, according to Mumsie! And He was the only one out of all the children, him, NOT Klaus, who realized that Mumsie couldn't be trusted! I can't believe StinkEl let him drink the drink... I was soo mad at her!! He needs to live and take over Mystic Falls with Alaric...My two loves...<3

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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