Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Star Wars :: The Clone Wars ;; Episode 18 ~ Crisis on Naboo

I thought the bounty hunters were so dang awesome in the previous episode with the whole box thing. They were all pretty cool in their own ways. And with Cad Bane, one of my MANY loves, leading them, there is no way they could ever fail ;D You know, unless one of them is a Jedi in disguise, of course, haha.

I fell in love with Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's so strong and intelligent, and he improvises so WELL. Haha, he blended right in those bounty hunters, and none of them ever knew he was really a Jedi. None of them except Dooku, that is, of course. Dooku knows all, though, so yeah xD

Also, am I the only one who thinks we need to get Clone Wars technology into the real world? WHAT EVEN? They stepped into holograms and the holograms coated them! That was so dang epic! Haha, but I might just be a weirdo xD I also think we need to get Iron Man's computer thing, Jardis, in real life. Because that thing is dang AWESOME.

Ahsoka and Padme are both such cuties. Haha, I don't even know why. But Padme's always all calm. She's all, so, the Chancellor's going to be attacked? That's cool. And Ahsoka fits in to Anaken and Padme's relationship so well. She's like the daughter they'll never get to raise... I would have said the daughter they never had, but they will eventually have Lela, so I can't say that... ANYWAYS, you get what I mean xP

Also, what in this world is Palpatine up to? I'm pretty sure Anni is SOO close to turning over to the Dark Side right now. Why is he so buddy-buddy with the Chancellor? That's how his downfall began in the movies! NOO ANNi! Get away from him!!! Haha... The Chancellor was so OBViOUS about being on Dooku's side when they were fighting! He kept smiling! He was so obviously having Dooku fight Anni just to see how good Anni was. Dooku would never have let the Chancellor go that easily otherwise. It was the first test. That next shall be for Anni to turn to the DARK SiDE....o.o

Overall, it was a good episode. I really like the episode in this season. There haven't been nearly as many dry and boring spots as in other seasons. The beginning was rather slow with the fish-people, but I think they've moved up and gotten better from there. And if Anni turned evil, that would be the MOST EPiC thing ever. Not that I WANT him to be evil, I just think that would totally make the show a lot more...interesting ;D

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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