Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Switched at Birth ;; Episode 12 ;; The Tempest

So, just saw the newest episode and kinda freaked out...Haha. I mean, the ending?? Okay, let's start at the beginning and make our way there, shall we?
Emmett and his mom and Bay and Regina. Was I the only one taking Melody's side in that? Sorry, but she's only trying to be a caring mother, trying to protect her son from what she feels is a bad influence. I mean, Emmett was perfectly an angel when he was with Daphne, but ever since he's been with Bay he's been the 'bad boy' trying to impress her or something. It's complete rubbish. Emmett was my favorite, but he's been a total jerkk to his mom and Daphne recently.... I mean, who even cares about brat-face Bay??
Okay, and then Wilkie and Daphne? I knew she wasn't going to want to be with him since she still isn't exactly over Emmett, but that was a seriously sad let-down... I mean, she could have at least been the tiniest bit nicer. And I guess I really expected her to have been nicer about it. Seeing as how she's going through all this nonsense and not getting a single thing she wants, I figured she'd be a bit more understanding. He was such a dang sweetie!! Just minus out the test-stealing and fake-I.D.-card-making.... He listened to all her problems and never burdened her with any of his own! He was there for her when Emmett wasn't. I think she shoulda been more attuned to his feelings and let him down a dang lot kinder. Plus, she should have at least let him stay....

And then, Daphne leaving her basketball team for Buckner's? Can she even DO that? I mean, I thought you had to GO to the school you play for, right? Am I going crazy here or something? I really don't think taking one class qualifies you...especially if that class is cooking and not even academic ;P Like seriously, I don't think that's even slightly realistic.
And then, Bay warning Daph off Simone [Cory in the House, what what xD]? That was just WRONG. You made her ditch Liam, you took her old friend Ty without telling her, you took her best friend Emmett, you took her MOTHER, you brought back her hated father, and now you're going to go around telling her who she can and can't hang out with? I mean, I saw Simone crumple up the check, too, I get that she's bad and all, but come on, Bay, it's not your place when you're already walking on such thin ice with Daph.

Tobie makes me laugh... He's such a dang cutie.
Haha, just thought I'd point that out ;D

Okay, now, to the ending.
What was that even about? I don't think there's ever been as big a cliffhanger in this entire show... Was it because of him painting Bay's little girl thing? Because if it is, that's simply another reason not to like Bay ;P But, seriously, what else could it quite possibly be? I mean, Wilkie and Tobie were the ones selling fake IDs,  Simone was the one not to pay, Daph was the one with the fake ID, and Bay's the one who vandalizes. Emmett can do no wrong!! There's no way the police officers are right...THEY ARE WRONG.

{~credit where credit is deserved~}

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