Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood {{Roy Mustang}}

Roy Mustang. The Flame Alchemist. Colonel Mustang. Hero of Ishval. 

Roy makes my life. He was so strong and bold and determined. The things he did for the ones he loved were simply remarkable. No matter how cold or uncaring he may have appeared, no commander could care more about his subordinates and no friend could care more. He was so focused and determined that he would never let anyone get in his way, but he would always go out of his way to save anyone he could. 
I preferred his Brotherhood representation because it was just more...him. In FMA he just kinda forgets about Maes Hughes in his quest to find the homunculi and destroy them, but in Brotherhood he chases them because he wanted to find Maes' killer. And when he does, he was ready to give everything else up simply to avenge his best friend's death. That's what I loved about him. 
He rather went kind of crazy going after Envy in those sewers, but I thought that just showed his resolve. He killed Lust with the same level of hatred and need to destroy what was evil. He just went a tad bit overboard with Envy. Riza was right, had he done it, there would have been no going back. It was cold blooded murder. Though, why that was such a big deal still doesn't make sense. I mean, Roy killed Lust in cold blooded murder, and Riza, Roy, Maes, Armstrong, they all killed in the Ishvalan War of Extermination. And those were iNNOCENTS. Envy DESERVED death. So why not allow Roy to do what he set out to do?
Anyways, moving away from that, now ;D 

Roy and Riza. They made my life. They were like that power couple. Neither relied on the other for anything other than support. They could each deal with the worst on their own. And they were so cute while they did it, too! They see each other as equals on the battlefield and trust each other with their lives. Riza has been given the right to shoot Roy down if he ever moves away from the right path because of how her father taught him and his secrets are burned onto her back. They share a connection that could ever be broken and that has evolved past a simple professional level to a more intimate one. Riza would never imagine leaving him and he likewise would never do anything to upset or endanger her. When her safety ever comes into question, he would do anything to protect her. Like when the Gold Toothed Doctor nearly killed her, Roy would have easily given in and given up anything for her life had he not seen her sign. And then after he goes blind, when they come out and Riza is telling him where to shoot, that was simply amazing. EVen without his sight, as long as he still has her, he will go on fighting.. <3

Roy was just simply amazing. Haha. His relation with Edward Elric makes me laugh. Because they obviously both respect each other, yet they both tend to go out of their way to annoy the other. In the end though, they both know they can trust each other with anything. After all, they both have near impossible goals, why not work together? xD

Roy Mustang rocks the world of Fullmetal Alchemist//Brotherhood. He's awesome wherever he is.  And he would make the perfect Fuhrer. Which is why I liked the ending of Brotherhood better. I mean, in FMA he goes off to that remote place with one eye and becomes a loser? How lame. In Brotherhood he is reading up on everyone and wants to protect everyone and create peace. Between him in Amestris and Ling Yao in Xing, there are happy days ahead for the world. (:

{~credit where credit is deserved~}