Friday, May 20, 2011

Code Geass :: Lelouch of the Rebellion {{Suzaku}}

So, remember a loong time ago when I made the post for lelouch and said I was going to make more? Well, I DiD in fact plan on making more, just hadn't had the time...
But, now, here it is.
So, he's probably, in my opion, undoubtedly, the best character in the entire show.
We can look past the fact that he killed his father, and that he had a short mental breakdown upon finding out that Lelouch was Zero and he had killed Euphemia at the end of R1 at Kaminejima.
But aside from those two *minor* things, he is a wonderful character.
He was as against Lelouch and Nunnally when they first came to Japan as they were to him, but once the ice first melted, he and Lelouch became close friends and forged a bond that could never be broken, not even when one killed the other's girlfriend, or the other tried to kill him for it.
Nope, could never be broken. Because in the end, Suzaku became Lelouch's sword.

Suzaku's Knightmare frame, the Lancelot

Suzaku wanted to change the empire from the inside, and so had become a soldier in the Britannian army. But on one of his first days out, he runs into Lelouch Lamperouge, who he hadn't seen for the past ten years. And his orders are to kill him. Tough luck, right?
But I love Suzaku for standing up and saying no. Even if he did get shot for it.
It leads him to his journey with Lloyd and Cecile and the LANCELOT. Which is one EPiC Knightmare frame, by the way ;]
Once Suzaku get ahold of the Lancelot, there was simply no stopping his onslaught of epicness. The only person who had ever been a match for him was Kallen Kozuki, and she was Lelouch's ace-queen, so it makes sense (;
Now, I'm running short on time, so let's discuss Suzaku different relationships with different people, shall we?
I think we shall ;]
So, let's go...
Suzaku and Nunnally
SUZAKU && NUNNALLY ;; These two are so dang CUTEE!! When Suzaku first comes back to the school and Lelouch takes him to see Nunnally and he and Nunnally touch hands and she's all "Is that...?" That was the cutest thing EVER. And it made me all happy inside. Haha, lame, but it was just THAAT cute ;] I liked how Suzaku became Zero at the end and stayed with Nunnally, wheeling her around and all. I remember in one of the picture dramas, Nunnally shows up at the school with Zero (Suzaku) and they hold hands. I like how she still loves and cares about him and trusts him, even though she would, by then, have realized that it was Suzaku inside the Zero costume when Lelouch was killed.

SUZAKU && EUPHEMiA ;; The cutest couple in the series <3 I love when Euphemia confesses her love to him. And I love how they meet! Euphie just falls right out of that window :P And he catches her, like a white knight in shining armor. They would have been a cute married couple. And I felt bad for Suzaku because he SAW her die at the hands of Zero, and then he's with her at the end... I love how she tells him to go back to school...<3 Her death was SO sad! How Suzaku had to lie to her and tell her the ceremony went great, and how the Geass order came back and she had to fight it to not kill Suzaku...

Suzaku and Euphemia
SUZAKU && LLOYD&CECiLE ;; I think it's awesome how Lloyd just chooses Suzaku to be his Lancelot pilot. Lloyd is so negative and anti-HUMAN, but his words always encourage Suzaku to fight better. And Cecile is just a cutie. I always thought Cecile and Lloyd should have gotten together ;]

SUZAKU && ASHFORD&Co. ;; As in, the Ashford students. I really didn't like Nina's reaction to him. I mean, I got that she was a racist snob, but this new kid comes to your school, and your only reaction is the fact that he's an 'eleven'? Nina always beugged me... But I loved Suzaku tried to be matchmaker with Shirley and Lelouch and was going to call him for her when they were haing trouble <3 And then how Suzaku was who Shirley turned to when she was having mental problems and needed someone to talk to about Lelou's past. Ahh, Suzaku, you rock my world.

Suzaku and Arthur
SUZAKU && ARTHUR ;; Arthur is the cutest cat in the history of cute cats. I love how Suzaku keeps him around even though he obviously doesn't like him. Arthur always bites Suzaku... I find that so cute ;)

SUZAKU && LELOUCH ;; They met when they were young, then they were sperated by the war, then, ten years later, they were reunited. I love how Suzaku took a bullet for Lelouch, and the guy didn't even turn around to find out what happened, he got Geass and he went with it. Whatever. Suzaku always went to such lengths to help Leouch... Like when Nunnally was taken by Mao, he did his little Spinzaku ;] And he totally saved Nunnally, with his expertise in bomb deactivating. (though, I didn't like the scene at the end of that episode where Mao reveals that Suzaku killed Genbu because Suzaku totally freezes up...) And then Suzaku becomes Lelouch's sword, and goes against his own ideals at the end and kills Lelouch. Not only does he kill someone for Lelouch, but he kills his best friend for Lelouch. And then he goes on to stay as the masked hero, Zero, even though the whole world thought he was dead. Yeahh, Suzaku has to continue his hard work, while Lelouch relaxes in a wagon with C.C.... But, who said life was ever fair?

Suzaku in the Lancelot
Well, I think that concludes that, eh?
I love Suzaku <3

{credit where credit is deserved}


The Hunger Games {{Cinna}}

So, Cinna was one of my all time favorites... Scratch that. He iS my all time favorite chracter in the Hunger Games trilogy. I love how he comes into the picture as a calm and collected stylist.

"The door opens and a young man who must be Cinna enters. I'm taken aback by how normal he looks. Most of the stylists they interview on television are so dyed, stenciled, and surgically altered they're grotesque. But Cinna's close cropped hair appears to be its natural shade of brown. He's in a simple black shirt and pants. The only concession to self-alteration seems to be metallic gold eyeliner that has been applied with a light hand. It brings out the flecks of gold in his eyes. And, despite my disgust with the Capitol and their hideous fashions, I can't help thinking how attractive it looks.
"Hello, Katniss. I'm Cinna, your stylist," he says in a quiet voice somewhat lacking in the Capitol's affectations."
~Cinna's debut, Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, pg.63

I love how he isn't portrayed like normal stylists. How he isn't like the "pets," Octavia, Flavius, and Venia. [i love them <3] I seriously fell in love with him the moment he walked into the pages of the book. I was like, now thaat is one AWESOME guy <3 He's so sweet, and quiet, and STRONG. The way he channels his emotions into his work, rather than showing them in his expressions.

"I want the audience to recognize you when you're in the arena," says Cinna dreamily. "Katniss, the girl who was on fire."
~Cinna's catch phrase for Katniss, Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, pg.67

"Cinna has given me a great advantage. No one will forget me. Not my look, not my name. Katniss. The girl who was on fire."
~At the parade, in flames, Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, pg.78

And I love that it was Cinna who came up with Katniss's appearance. Her everything. Cinna was simply the best <3 Yeahh, he came up with that (:
Cinna did everything for Katniss and Peeta. Got them rolling. Got everyone to love the,. To cheer for them. Cinna was the best stylist anyone could hope for. And a great friend. When she turns and looks at him to answer her questions from Caesar Flickerman, I thought that was so cute <3

And then the way Cinna designs Katniss's 'hobby' for after the Games and creates all the dresses himself and tells her what to say? I though that was hilarious :P Though, I thought Katniss was a tad ungrateful...
And then he makes all her wedding dresses? That was epicc.
And the mockingjay dress at the interview? That had to be one of my favorite scenes. Cinna turned her literally into a mockingjay. Oooh, President Snowey musta been burning up in anger, since he was the one who requested that dress xP
But then, right before the Games when they beat Cinna up? NO. I freaked out! I was like, NO, just NOOO! That can't happen!!!
It's always, ALWAYS, my favorites who have to be killed... And I mean, did he really have to be killed? He couldn't come back in the third book? Really? I still imagine that he's alive somewhere, seeing as how there was no real evidence that he had died.

"I turn the pages slowly, seeing each detail of the uniform. The carefully tailored layers of body armor, the hidden weapons in the boots and belt, the special reinforcements over my heart. On the final page, under a sketch of my mockingjay pin, CInna's written I'm still betting on you."
~Cinna's sketchbook, Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins, pg.43

I love this man so freaking much <3

{credit where credit is deserved}


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Next Avengers :: Heroes of Tomorrow

So, I just recently watched this movie and thought it was the cutest thing! I had just seen Thor, so I really liked Torunn's character. And since I've recently been way into the Avengers with all the new movies coming out, this really sparked my interest. And I loved Tony in this one! He was SUCH a cutie ;]

TORUNN ;; She had to be the very coolest kid in the movie! She was so very mature for her age. And she could have led that team if James weren't, you know, DESTiNED to be the leader, as Captain America's son... Haha. I love how she kept faith in her father the entire time, and how it pays off at the end. And I really liked the scene where she leaves her sword behind and Thor transports it to her, and how the machines couldn't get it out of the ground, because, again, I just recently watched the new Thor movie. Torunn was a very strong and epic character.

JAMES ;; I really did not like how his character was first introduced. I mean, first of all, the guy who starts off not caring about anything and ends up learning the big moral lesson? That is SUCH a used character. But I thought he was a really good character when he fit in to his leadership role and started giving orders and knowing what to do. And I love his relationship with Torunn! Their brother//sister thing was the cutest thing in the world <3

HAWKEYE ;; Now, he was one EPiC guy! I love his tough guy character! And the way he falls for Torunn and calls her 'gorgeous' and 'beautiful' was so cute <3 And I like how he asked James about her and James gets all protective because he feels like he's her older brother and has to be protective, even though Torunn could whoop both their butts simultaneously ;] But I really liked How Hawkeye had been leading the Scavengers and how they were completely loyal to him and everything. That was pretty awesome.

AZARi ;; Now, Azari was probably one of my favorite characters simply because he was so epic. He reminded me of Kaldur [Aqualad] from Young Justice, and I absolutely ADORE Kaldur ;) Azari was so cute with wanting to follow all of Tony's orders, but wanting to help Tony out at the same time. And then his little Panther thing at the end? THAAT was cool (: And then he and Pym were so cute...

PYM ;; Which takes us right to the little baby of the family <3 Pym was ADORABLE. I liked how he used to shrink down like Wasp, but then getting huge at the end like his father. Two very different parents, wouldn't you say? ;] But Pym was that little brother that knows all the tech stuff that I would soo want to have! He reminded me of Max from Pokemon, May's little brother. Random, but yeahh. Or Juniper Lee's little brother in that one show about Juniper Lee... Haha.

TONY STARK ;; I LOVED him. I always love Iron Man. Iron Man is the COOLEST. But this was just epic. He'd raised the kids of all of his friends, devoted his entire life to them, even though none of them were his own. Ahh, my love <3 And even though he's so old now, he still retains all his epicness with those Iron Avengers and his own fight in the Iron Man suit. And the fact that he created Ultron in the first place. Why do the best good guys always create the evil robots? Like Batman with that one thing... The OMAC creating thing... Ehh, anyways.

ViSiON ;; I love how he just comes in, gets his head taken out, and then short circuts. So he can't help the kids, can't fight, and doesn't do anything until the very end of the movie when he manages to come back through solar energy xD

HULK ;; Now, he was pretty cool ;] I didn't much care for his scaredy cat existence. He really could have been helping either Tony in raising the kids, or Hawkeye in fighting Ultron. But nope, he lives in a cave with his bonsai. But when he gets angry? And he rips Ultron in two halves? That was pretty darned epic ;]

ULTRON ;; Ultron was pretty cool too. I liked how he put himself back together at the end. Personally, Hulk simply cutting the guy up seemed waayy too easy a win. But now the Avengers can combine and fight him for a final time. <3

<<-- Pym's simply holding Vision's head xP I love how they just casually carry that thing around like it's no big deal that the one adult-like person that could have helped them is now beheaded xP
And Torunn definitely looks like the leader here, as she should be. I mean, look at James and Azari, they are soo looking to her to lead them!! ;]

Yeahh, Torrun should definitely lead them ;) I mean, look at her! She's wielding that sword like no one else! She deserves to be leading this team with her epic fighting and awesome leadership and uniting abilities!! 

<<-- I absolutely loved this scene, but the only thing that seriously bugged was the fact that the Bridge was a...rainbow. A very lame, Care Bears-esque rainbow, too. Otherwise it was a really cute and touching scene <3

The final stand <3

{credit where credit is deserved}
